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Putting The Smart in Smart TVs



Nowadays, it seems as though every second appliance is considered to be “Smart”. Although this term is often based on the various abilities of a device, it can also range from fairly rudimentary to overly complex – which is where this term becomes confusing. 

Let’s take a look at Smart TVs, how they work, what they are, and what they are not. 

Is it true that I can access the internet with a Smart TV?

Yes – if it is loaded with the right functionality. Look out for the 5 ripples that you will know as the Wi-Fi logo to see if your model is compatible with an internet connection. 

Should I download any particular apps? 

Most modern Smart TVs come preloaded with most apps you will need to have the best viewing experience. From Hulu to Netflix, YouTube, and everything in between, all the apps you need can come preinstalled, saving you time and hassle. The Smarter TVs progress, the more “plug and play” the system becomes. Double-check the unit packaging to ensure that you are clear on exactly what you are getting!

What is the best resolution?

Resolution refers to the picture quality you will experience when watching your TV screen, and this quality is determined by how many pixels make up the screen. The more pixels, the better the resolution. 

HD, or High Definition, is a great place to start, and a 1080 display will give you a good and solid resolution at the lower end of the price spectrum. If your budget allows for more, try out a 4K – as with most electronic products, the price increases as the quality does, but 4K will give you the best picture quality that is currently available on the market, although rumor has it that we can expect 8K to hit our stores soon!

Bluetooth – is it actually a big deal? 

Bluetooth functionality has the potential to completely transform your TV experience by taking the place of every cumbersome cable you will NOT need with this useful function! Bluetooth lets you connect headphones, speakers, gaming units, and more to your TV wirelessly, cutting down on clutter and streamlining the entire experience. 

Stay standing, or hanging around instead?

Not you – your TV! Most models can be set up to be either floor-standing or wall-mounted – the choice is up to you. Remember that floor-standing setups will sacrifice more floor space than a wall-hanging one will so make your choice wisely, based on how much floor space you have available. Wall-mounted does clear up floor space, but if the unit is too big for the wall it is mounted to, it can result in an awkward-looking visual outcome. 

Although the options out there in the market can be overwhelming, it is worth taking a bit of extra time and effort to gather as much information about Smart TVs that you can. It will definitely help you to avoid any future headaches when decision time comes!

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