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Four Realistic Ways to Stick to Your New Year Resolutions



We have all been there: the festivities of December roll around and bring along with them oodles of reflection over the past year. If you’re like most people, you’ll be met with a strange mix of disappointment and inspiration.

From diet and exercise goals to breaking free from damaging habits, from creating extensive reading lists to vouching to handle finances better, the turn of the year sees all kinds of resolutions being made. However, it is not long before old habits rear their ugly heads again and all those starry-eyed promises fly out the window. If you want to break this vicious cycle once and for all and make long-lasting changes, read on for four ways to make sure that you see your New Year 2021 resolutions through!

Define your purpose and discover your ‘ikigai’

More often than not, we half-heartedly commit to ideas and decisions without taking the time to understand whether or not they are things we want to invest our energy and precious time in. As a consequence of this lack of interest and purpose, the burnout sets in pretty quickly and we end up feeling worse than before.

Do Read Guide to Goal Setting

To avoid this, firstly, choose your goals for the right reasons.  Instead of being vague about why you have set out to achieve your objectives, think and try to internalize your purpose and imagine how it sustainably fits into the larger scheme of your life.

Figure out what works for you

Different methods yield different results for people. Some are comfortable with making small changes to their daily routines and lives every day. Yet others feel that committing to a clean break makes things easier and more effective for them in the long run. In the end, it’s about what works best to serve you and your aims.

Make a clear plan with key milestones/markers of progress

Avoid being vague. Set yourself up for success by charting out a clear, well-defined path instead of being misguided by abstract ideas of progress. Create tangible trackers and markers of growth like pros and cons lists, vision boards, journals, and progress photos that you can look back at and reflect upon how much you have achieved.

Find support or relevant resources

Remember that many other people are on the same journey as you and have goals and struggles similar to yours. Reliable support from family and friends can boost you up in moments of weakness and push you to achieve what you originally set out to achieve. Staying accountable and truthful to yourself is also a crucial factor.

If you need an external community for advice, mentoring, and sharing your journey, turning to the internet is a great idea! There are countless resources and forums online on Facebook, Instagram, and also specialized apps ranging from diet and fitness (Nike Training Club, Adidas Training, MyFitnessPal) to meditation and wellness (Headspace, Calm), etc.

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