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Time Management Tips for Students Studying Online



In a world post-covid, more students than ever are turning to online learning, as opposed to going to a brick-and-mortar college to further their education.

While there is still a place in the world for traditional universities and colleges, online learning is becoming exceedingly popular among recent high school graduates and older students alike.

While going to school online is certainly easier than getting dressed, driving to college, and sitting in classes, it is still a challenge, maybe more so for many.

Time management issues are a huge hassle that has been reported by many online college students. If you’re one of those students, we’ll give you some time management tips to follow in the blog below.

Learn to Balance Work and Study

Chances are you’re trying to handle work, family life, and going to college online at the same time. It’s essential that you create a work and study balance you can live with. For example, if you’re pursuing an administrative credential, it’s probably for an existing job. In this case, it’s important to let your current employer know that you’re going to school and working at the same time.

Many employers will try to work with you so that you can do both and not get overwhelmed, as improving your skills will likely be beneficial to your employer as well.

Plan Ahead

A hectic schedule coupled with trying to study online can lead to disorganization and chaos if you don’t plan ahead. The best online students realize early on that they need to set aside time to focus on nothing but their schoolwork.

This plan should include a dedicated space to work in, a scheduled time to study, and no internet distractions to bother you. Consider purchasing a calendar or planner dedicated solely to your schoolwork. Add your classes, homework plans, and schedule to that planner, then carve out times that you’ll devote solely to your work and stick to it.

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Don’t Try to Multitask

While it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to do multiple things at once, multitasking usually leads to not only burnout but getting less done in the end as well. Multitasking can actually decrease your productivity, leaving you overwhelmed and frustrated.

Instead, focus on one class and one assignment at a time. Focus on that class, whether it’s studying for a test or finishing the required reading. Don’t move to another assignment until the first one is complete.

To help you stay focused, use time management and task lists on places such as Trello and Smartsheet. To stay organized, use digital notebooks such as Click Up or Evernote. This will help you keep everything in one place, organized, and easy to use.

Sleep Well

Every college student goes through a time when they aren’t getting enough sleep. It’s even easier to fall into that trap when you’re studying online. Just one more look through your index cards for medical terminology can end three hours later when it’s 3 am, and your alarm goes off at 6 am.

Set yourself a time to sleep and a time to study, and don’t let one overlap with the other for the best results.

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Set Up a Reward System

Rewarding yourself is important when you’re in college, and it’s just as important when you’re in an online college. Rewarding yourself for your accomplishments helps you to avoid burnout. Whether it’s an hour to watch your favorite Netflix show or a night out on the town with friends, setting up a reward system is key to success and your own personal health as well.

Going to college online is a bit simpler than staying on campus, but there are still challenges that you must overcome. Time management is one of those challenges. Hopefully, the tips above will help you conquer those issues.

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