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How To Find Better Balance As A Working Parent



Part of parenting means providing a living for your children. Yet, most parents would agree that maintaining a job minimizes their ability to be present in their kids’ lives and provide the emotional support they need. They spend eight hours or more daily in the office with little time off for other obligations. After work, parents have minimal time to help with homework, prepare dinner, and get their children ready for bed before it’s time to restart the routine the next day.

Depending on the demand and complexity of your career, you may often miss out on special moments with the ones you love. It’s not only emotionally challenging but can have lasting effects on your family dynamics. Ultimately, there has to be a way to find a balance so you can maintain your job and be there for your children. Fortunately, there is.

Simplify Home Routines

Parents are never off the clock. When they’re not in the office, they complete tasks at home. These routines are necessary but often take up a lot of time and energy. You can find a better work-life balance by simplifying your daily activities. For instance, batch cooking, meal planning, prep, and portion control containers can make preparing meals quicker.

Packing lunches, completing school forms, and setting out clothes for the next day can be completed before bed to save you time in the morning. Running errands once or twice a week cuts down on travel time and saves money on gas. Doing laundry and completing household chores on the weekends ensures your home stays tidy.

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Enlist Help

You may be a superhero in your kid’s eyes, but you must remember you’re only human. There’s nothing wrong with getting assistance to ensure you can be an effective parent and professional. Start with people you know, like your parents, siblings, or friends. Perhaps they could take over morning commutes, assist with homework, or keep the kids entertained while you run errands on the weekend.

If your loved ones can’t help or have small children too young to go to school, you should enroll them in a local childcare center. They’ll be in the care of trained and educated professionals that will tend to their needs and keep them entertained while you’re at work. Although childcare services can be expensive, there are solutions like government assistance or saving money by opening an FSA for childcare through your employer.

Talk With Your Employer

If simplifying routines and enlisting help isn’t enough to balance your home and work life, consider talking to your employer. If you’re a dedicated team member, they’re more inclined to assist you. You could ask about a remote or hybrid work schedule if you need more time to be there for your kids. If work stresses you out, you can talk to your employer about delegating tasks, hiring an assistant, or transitioning into a less stressful position.

You can also discuss your options under the Family Leave Act for working adults getting ready to have a baby, adopt, or become foster parents. It could safeguard your job and provide you with several weeks or months off from work to care for your growing family. Your employer can review your options and help you make the best decision for your family and career.

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Make Time For What You Love

Money comes and goes. Although it’s a necessary resource to provide a living for your children, you shouldn’t allow your work to take priority over your family. Whenever you can, find ways to spend quality time together. Make use of national holidays and paid time off by using your time to extend your weekend. You can plan a vacation, spend time at home, or go on day trips and explore your hometown.

Being a parent isn’t easy. You must provide for your children physically, emotionally, and financially. Unfortunately, the latter makes the former more challenging. Working 40+ hours a week makes it hard to be there how your family needs you. Although quitting your job isn’t an option, there are things you can do to find balance and continue being an excellent parent and professional.

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