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The Benefits of Learning a Trade



Trade workers are in short supply in America. The shortage can be attributed to a number of distinct causes, from the improvement of consumer technology to the rise of remote working – and even the improvement of education systems in key states to the detriment of hands-on crafts and labor.

While there are undeniable merits to these new directions for a new world, the impact on trade is palpable – especially when demand for trade is so high. According to recent statistics, there are nearly 1.5 million roles available across manufacture and construction.

Simply put, there has never been more need for skilled workers – and the opportunities available to skilled workers have never been better. If you are at a crossroads in your own development, whether considering a new career or making choices that will impact your first forays into paid work, here are some reasons you should consider picking up a trade.

A Short Path

One of the first positives that come with learning a trade, be it electrical engineering or construction, is that the path can be much shorter than other academic routes.

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Trade workers typically start as an apprentice under supervision, learning on the job as they accrue new skills and understanding. This route also costs much less money than any formal education program – a key consideration when so many rely on sponsorships and scholarships to afford tuition fees.

Variety and Specialism

Skilled trade work is not just learning to lay bricks or wiring. There is a plurality of roles available across an extremely wide range of disciplines. Early on, you pick your trade; from there, you can choose to specialize in whatever sparks your interest.

As an engineer in a manufacturing or power plant, you might find yourself more interested in maintenance than in other roles. As such, you might familiarize yourself with the workings of torque sensors and other measurement tools, before working your way up to understanding complex arrays of machinery and best-practice for niche maintenance tasks.

Specialism and Pay

Speaking of which, the ability to specialize in a specific area of your trade enables you to justify and command higher pay for your work. As a skilled engineer with an intimate and rare understanding of a given piece of equipment, you will be in even higher demand – and your knowledge and experience will afford you a higher salary or day rate.

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Even without niche specialism, trade workers enjoy high rates of pay. This is in part due to the robust and effective action of organized labor movements, while also relating to the limited supply of workers available to do the work. Either way, trade work is a golden opportunity to stake a claim to rightful recompense.

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