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How To Install A Pond In Your Garden



The sound of a bubbling stream and the feeling of lily pads under your feet is utter bliss. Nothing compares to owning a pond right in your backyard. It will make any outside space look beautiful, and, as we all know, water is a calming influence. If you want to make your garden look good and feel good, a pond is an ideal answer to your question about how to do it. You may have heard that a pond is just a hole in the ground filled with water. That’s not entirely accurate. You can find out how to install a pond properly in your garden by reading below.


Some spots within your garden are not going to be much good for a pond, and others will be ideal, so you’ll need to scout out the right location for installing your pond before you do anything else. 

The best place for a pond is one that is shaded (although not too shaded) and not too close to any overhanging trees or bushes. This is because sunshine can cause water to evaporate, meaning you might have to keep topping up your pond; plus, it can mean that algae and bacteria grow faster, making it hard to keep the water clear and the fish healthy. Overhanging plants mean that too much debris can fall in, and you’ll have a hard job clearing it out. 

Pond Form

Once you know where the pond can go, you can buy your pond form. The pond form is the hard plastic shell that makes up the pond itself. They come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, and there will be one to match your budget too. Take good measurements of the area you want to install your pond in so you don’t get a form that is too big or too small. 

Once you have the form, you’ll need to dig a hole big enough to accommodate it. Make sure the hole is deep enough to take the entire form; otherwise, it could become a hazard within the garden. 

Fill The Pond

Once the pond form is in the right place, you can fill it with water and other items. These other items include pond pumps and filters to ensure you are keeping the pond as clean and healthy as possible at all times; speak to the experts at Water Garden to find out exactly what you need in this regard. It will often depend on what else you have in your pond as to what kind of filtration system you need. 

You’ll also need to invest in some water chemicals. This is because the pH of the water must be kept steady, and one of the best ways to do that is to add chemicals to the water. There are a few things you’ll need to do when using RO water. You should check for water hardness regularly and add more minerals if necessary.

Leave The Pond 

Once the pond is full of water and you have treated that water to ensure the right pH levels, don’t be tempted to put your fish and plants in immediately. It’s best to leave the pond to settle for at least 24 hours, and ideally 48 hours. Once this is done, you’ll be able to add fish and plants and enjoy the pond to the fullest. 

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