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Birth Control and Infertility: Myth vs. Reality How a birth control affect infertility and can you get



There have been many myths and debates about the pill’s effects since its introduction in 1960. The hormonal birth control pill is among the most studied medications in history. It would be easy to believe that all the hours spent researching one drug would have dispelled many of its myths. This is not true. The pill has been around for more than 50 years.

However, there is still a lot of confusion over how it works and who it can be used for. What are the top five myths surrounding the birth control pill, and how can they be dispelled? Check out the video below.

Myth #1: A pill can cause congenital disability if it is taken by a woman who has become pregnant

The pill is safe and effective, but it is a medication. This means there are side effects. However, giving birth to a baby with developmental delays or other disabilities is not one side effect. The foetus won’t be affected even if the woman is accidentally pregnant while taking the pill.

Myth #2: To prevent monthly bleeding, it is not safe to continue taking the active drugs in a birth control package

Women shouldn’t have to go on a monthly cycle for many decades unless it is medically necessary. This myth must be dispelled. It is essential to understand the pill’s effects on hormones and menstrual cycles.

If a woman does not use birth control, her female reproductive hormones continue to rise and fall throughout the month. Hormones gradually increase as the cycle begins until the ovaries release an egg. After an egg is released, hormones cause the uterus and ovaries to create a thick lining to nourish the implanted egg. If an egg is not fertilised or planted at the end, it is removed, and menstruation begins again.

The pill stops the ovaries from releasing eggs and prevents the uterus lining from thickening for implanted eggs. A woman who takes birth control pills will experience withdrawal bleeding at the end of each month. This bleeding is not considered a period. This is why some women don’t get withdrawal bleeding after using hormonal birth control for long periods. It is not necessary to bleed once per month while using birth control.

It is perfectly safe for women to take active birth control to stop bleeding. Many women begin taking hormonal birth control to stop menstruation. Periods can be disruptive and painful. They can also cause iron deficiency anaemia. The pill and other hormonal birth control options can be life-saving for women suffering from complications due to menstruation.

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Myth #3: Hormonal birth control is not safe for long-term use. Women should consider taking breaks from hormonal birth control

It is impossible for young, healthy women in their reproductive years to stop taking the pill.

Women can take medicine as long as needed without risk for their health. Doctors recommend that women evaluate their contraceptive needs every 15 years or when they turn 35. Women aged 35 or older may be more at risk from blood clots due to the synthetic estrogens in certain hormonal birth control pills. Women with risk factors for blood clot formation can still use birth control pills.

It is also essential to understand that if a woman believes this myth and stops taking birth control for a break, she could become pregnant if she continues to be sexually active. The most effective contraceptives available are hormonal birth control pills. If a woman and her partner don’t use backup contraceptive methods, it can lead to an unintended pregnancy. A woman can also get pregnant after taking the pill.

Myth #4: The pill can ruin a woman’s fertility

The pill is a safe and 100% effective contraceptive. The medication does not cause infertility.

There is no scientific evidence to support this. A woman can stop taking the pill and conceive immediately. Some women may take a while to create again after stopping hormonal birth controls. The medicine doesn’t make a woman infertile. It does not permanently suppress ovulation. Women who have had irregular periods before taking the pill are more likely to experience delays in fertility and ovulation.

There is still a lot of confusion about the pill and infertility. Some of this confusion can be attributed naturally. Women often start taking medicine as early as their teens and stop using it by their 30s. This is when natural fertility declines in women. Plus, a woman trying to prevent pregnancy by taking the pill is not usually aware or concerned about any infertility issues she might have until she stops taking the medication. The fact is that the drug does not cause fertility problems.

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Myth #5: All birth control pills work the same

There are many types of birth control pills. They can be identified by brand, generic names, and formulas. Additionally, they can vary depending on the composition of the medicines.

Some tablets combine synthetic oestrogen and progesterone hormones, while others contain only progesterone. The amount of synthetic hormones in each pill is different. A woman may try many different birth control pills before finding the one that suits her needs and lifestyle.

You might be interested in learning more about hormonal contraceptives. Rise Fertility Clinic doctors are available to answer your questions about the pill. Sign up today with Rise Fertility to know about your birth control options.

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