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Signs Your Mental Health Needs Your Attention



Mental health is the general state of your feelings, thoughts, and behaviours, but there is no standard to measure what is normal versus a reason for concern. However, it would be best if you never neglected mental health. It can negatively affect how well you get along with friends and family, how you perform at work or school, and your interest in activities and other situations.

A lot of people have felt a little uneasy in the past two years. Stress is a normal way to respond to situational triggers like the pandemic and the uncertainty around our lives. Unfortunately, one-third of adults in America who have depression have experienced worsening symptoms in 2020. 

Healthy habits can reestablish mental health for many but not for everyone. Situational triggers can lead to a downward spiral, leading to depression or anxiety. If this happens, you must understand that it is time to reevaluate how you look after yourself.

The professionals at Mental Health Center who offer ketamine therapy in Los Angeles state that you should not ignore the feeling when something feels off, and you do not feel like yourself. This is a sign you must take care of your mental health. If this goes on for an extended period of time, say a few weeks, you should reprioritize your mental health. Here are a few signs of mental health concern.

Lack of sleep

Disrupted sleep is a red flag that says you are experiencing anxiety or depression. If you have difficulty falling asleep or trouble staying asleep, or when you wake up and cannot fall back asleep, it is a sign of mental health concern. Even oversleeping is a sign of trouble. It shows that the body is fatigued and is to the point of burnout. 

Being highly emotional or irritable 

When you experience anger, irritation, frustration and when these feelings go from one extreme to the other, it is a sign that your mental health is out of whack.

Anxiety and depression can make it difficult for you to self-regulate your feelings and thoughts, which is why you feel more sensitive or irritable than usual. 

You do not feel joy

All of us have some bad days, and it is okay to have them now and then, but there should be an end to the sadness. If you often find less happiness and do not enjoy the activities that you used to love in the past, it is a sign that something is not right.

For example, if you used to enjoy painting or working out but feel no longer interested in them right now, this is an indicator that your mental health is imbalanced. 

Huge changes in appetite

Anxiety and depression can affect how much you eat, and for many, it means a loss of appetite. You might not feel hungry or not have the energy to eat. For many, it also leads to binge eating comfort food, which can temporarily relieve negative feelings and thoughts.

If you notice that you are eating more than normal or less than normal and see changes in your weight, you need to seek help.

Lack of energy

People struggling with mental health often have feelings of lethargy and fatigue. It becomes harder to concentrate or follow conversations. If you always have low energy and do not find the motivation to step out of bed every morning, you need to speak to a doctor. 

Physical symptoms

Anxiety and depression can also bring physical side effects, including a rapid heart rate, headache, dizziness, and gastrointestinal symptoms with no other medical cause. Again, this is a sign your mental health is declining. 

Ways To Improve Your Mental Health 

Each and every sign of mental health issue does not mean you have a disorder or depression, or anxiety. But it means that you need to change something in your lifestyle before it becomes more serious or your health worsens. Here is how you can take care of your mental health.

• Try to sleep 7-8 hours every night with no screen time, at least one hour before bed.

• Stay healthy and eat balanced meals that consist of whole foods.

• Try to exercise for 30 minutes every day for at least five days a week.  

• Cut down on excessive caffeine and drink enough water.

• Avoid excessive alcohol and try to quit smoking.

• Practice meditation and mindfulness.

• Talk to someone you trust.

If these habits do not help improve your mental health, you need to speak to a doctor. There is no reason to be ashamed about seeking help.

Contact your primary care provider and share details about your medical history, relationships, physical symptoms, thoughts and feelings, routines, and the use of alcohol and drugs. The doctor will recommend the right treatment options.

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