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Effective Ways To Managing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease



Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a group of lung conditions in which there are breathing difficulties for a person. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are two conditions falling under this category of diseases. If the airways are inflamed, or there is swelling in the lining of the airways, then the airways become blocked. Middle-age people or people who smoke tend to develop breathing issues over time. 

According to a research survey, COPD was the third leading cause of death throughout the world in 2019. Environmental factors like fumes, dust, tobacco smoke, indoor air pollution, and chemicals affect the lungs in the most adverse way possible. Inhaling these harmful chemicals may affect the lungs and slowly result in their damage. 


People suffering from this disease may take the symptoms for granted. The main symptoms are:

  • Breathlessness
  • Severe cough
  • Chest infection
  • Wheezing

If left untreated, these symptoms may get worse over time. Sometimes, a sudden attack of asthma may occur. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to take the condition lightly and pay a visit to your nearest doctor if the symptoms get worse. 

The symptoms mostly appear in people who smoke a lot or who used to smoke. It sometimes appears in non-smokers as well. Either way, the symptoms are unable to be born. 


Long-term exposure to dust and fumes may also be the cause behind breathlessness. Smoking is the main cause of COPD. If the lungs are weak by birth, then COPD is the result of a birth defect. Other causes are:

  • A rare genetic condition called alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency can cause COPD in childhood
  • Asthma


There is no cure for COPD, but the symptoms can be reduced by taking proper care. A breathing test called spirometry is run to check the function of the lungs. Other preventive measures may include exercise and vaccination against pneumonia, coronavirus, and influenza. 


There are plenty of options for the treatment of COPD. 

  1. Quit smoking

Smoking is the main cause of COPD. The symptoms may get worst if left untreated. Smoking even a single cigarette a day is enough to damage the lungs altogether. If you are a chain smoker, you must reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke per day slowly and gradually.

2. Medications and inhalers

Certain medications are prescribed to control the symptoms of COPD. The breathlessness and cough can be controlled by using inhalers like Breo. This inhaler helps to redeem the breath for asthma patients. You can check the Breo inhaler lowest price by logging onto the website of https://www.pricepropharmacy.com/canadian-pharmacy-online-coupons/, which sells medicines at discounted prices. These inhalers open the airways for easy passage of air. 

3. Pulmonary rehabilitation

This is a specialized program of exercise in which the lungs are conditioned in such a way that the airways are programmed to keep wide open for the oxygen to pass through easily. 

4. Surgery

Surgical procedure is done in very rare cases. In extreme cases, a lung transplant may be done to replace the damaged lungs. 

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