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How AI Is Changing Cancer Diagnosis Statistics




AI is doing incredible work for cancer diagnosis. Doubt it all you want (and we understand why some people are doubting the technology), but the work it’s doing to revolutionize how we diagnose and treat cancer is incredible. Read on to find out more.

Improved Accuracy in Early Diagnosis

It’s the most exciting prospect. Whether you work for medical recruiters or you’re a radiographer – you’ll soon see the benefits of AI for early diagnosis across multiple chronic and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Most recently, it was discovered that AI can detect some types of breast cancer five years before it ever becomes a cancer. That’s just the beginning of what this technology will do for diagnostics.

Conventional approaches like biopsy or imaging scans may overlook the fine details of some cancers, particularly their precursory forms. AI systems are being fed with ever-increasing medical data sets to detect things traditional scanning systems and even healthcare practitioners may miss. For example, AI models can be trained to learn the blood vessels’ structures and positions surrounding a tumor, which can help predict the metastasis of the disease earlier. We’ll go into that more in the next section.

Artificial intelligence tools can analyze medical images such as MRIs, X-rays, or biopsies in search of early signs of cancer at speeds we’ve never seen.

Personalized Treatment Plans

AI is also becoming part of the treatment plan process.

AI systems scan the diameter and borders of neoplasms and examine their molecular and genetic profiles. This helps medical experts to understand how the tumor is expected to develop in the body along with which treatment methods will work best.

Cancer treatment processes and artificial intelligence-enabled solutions are not always simple, especially in early-case scenarios where the process and its stages are more about speculative guesses.


Also in this case, AI systems can actively engage by gauging a patient’s treatment adherence and prediction of treatment reactions in effect, as this reduces the amount of time before doctors can switch or alter the therapies if it appears that a treatment has been unable to produce the required results.

More often than not, oncologists throw different treatment plans at patients until the right combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy works.

AI and Predictive Analytics in Cancer Outcomes

AI can estimate patient outcomes based on past case data by examining cancer histories, treatment details, and survival duration. This diagnostic skill improves how patients are classified according to the risk of suffering from more aggressive types of cancers and allows for adapting the treatments appropriately.


For example, artificial intelligence is being used to analyze the blood vessels present in lung tumors. This helped in the evaluation of the response of the patient’s cancer condition to specific treatments. This information means medical professionals in oncology can customize treatment strategies and sidestep the use of harsh or unnecessary procedures.

It’s exciting to think how AI will continue to change cancer diagnostics and treatment. We’re only at the beginning, and already it’s changing everything we know about diagnosing and treating cancer.

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