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Work Health and Safety: 8 Reasons to Maintain a Clutter-free Office



work health

There are a lot of things being said when it comes to decluttering homes, getting rid of things that you no longer use, and streamlining your belongings.

The same principle could also be applied in the workspace, especially now that a lot of businesses are aiming for a clutter-free office.

In this article, we will be exploring the various reasons why it is important to clear out the unnecessary stuff, reduce clutter, and make the staff a lot happier and productive:

1. For employee’s wellness

Now, if your workspace is a breeding ground for bacteria and other viruses, there is a high chance that employees will get sick. This can lead to an increased number of absences and a decline in productivity.

On the other hand, a clean work environment will make sure that everyone in the office stays healthy and happy.

A tidy and well-organized workspace can also be beneficial to your mental health. If desks and the entire office area is clean and free of clutter, it makes everyone feel good. Now, this positive feeling can help improve workplace morale and enhances productivity.

Simply put, a significant reduction in the number of dust, germs, and bacteria floating around your office would mean a healthier environment for everyone.

2. It reduces the risks of accidents

A messy environment is like a blind spot for occupational hazards. And this can increase the risk of work-related accidents.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) definition of an occupational hazard is anything that could cause harm in the workplace.

It’s commonly brought about the neglect of the management or employers, as well as the lack of awareness of its employees.

This explains why at Maid Sailors Office Cleaning Companies NYC, we always advise our clients to schedule regular cleaning sessions. That way, you get to rid of clutter that is preventing you from noticing any occupational hazards.

Some examples would be boxes that were not stacked properly. This can fall on an employee’s head, which results to head trauma. And since this is an occupational hazard, that would mean additional expense on your part.

Simply put, reducing the risk of work-related accidents could help you save some money.

3. Less clutter, less stress

A cluttered workspace makes it much more stressful for employees to get things done.

For instance, a cluttered desk can make it impossible for someone to look for his pen. And the amount of time he spent looking for his pen, could be the amount of time he used working on his client presentation.

That said, clutter negatively impacts your employee’s productivity, which can cause work-related stress.

In addition, a messy office space can have an adverse effect on your employee’s mental well-being. And this can also lead to a decline in employee productivity.

4. Increases employee’s efficiency

A cluttered work environment creates a distracting work environment.

On the other hand, keeping things orderly helps an employee access his documents and other important things whenever he needs it.

As a result, he’s able to save valuable time and focus on his work, which can also boost his efficiency.

5. It keeps indoor air fresh and clean

Dusty carpets, upholstered office furniture, and surfaces could create poor indoor air quality over time. That’s because these usually hold dust and debris in the air and embed them in their fibers.

Bringing in a professional to clean your carpet semiannually can help improve your office’s indoor air quality.

Meanwhile, maintaining a regular schedule of wiping surfaces, making sure that your carpets are cleaned and vacuumed, and regularly cleaning the office upholstery and furniture lessens respiratory irritants that can harm your employees.

6. It secures your business

If employees always keep their desks and things cluttered, especially with important documents, you’ll be leaving potentially sensitive information for everyone out there to see.

When your employees adopt a clean desk policy, on the other hand, you’re encouraging everyone in the workplace to keep their desks tidy and place all important documents away for the safety of your business.

7. Makes great first impression

How your business premises looks like will make the first impression on your clients or customers. It gives them an idea of who you are, how you treat your employees, as well as how you run your business.

That said, you want to make a great impression on your clients and customers, as well as a potential employee. And this is possible by making sure that your entire office is clutter-free.

Here’s the thing: A clean office conveys professionalism, and that your business is worthy of your clients’ time and support.

8. Improves employee’s mindset

A clean workplace looks more dignified and respectable. This helps influence the mindset of your employees, inspiring them to act more professionally. This can also help them focus on the task at hand and always give their best in whatever they do.

Over to You

Listed above are the reasons why a tidy workplace translates to a happier and healthier workplace. The good news is, keeping your office clean isn’t that difficult.

Hire a professional office cleaner who can help main your office’s cleanliness regularly. Encourage your employees to maintain their workspace. That way, you can ensure their health, as well as help improve their productivity and efficiency.

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