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7 steps for getting tons of followers on Twitch



If you’re looking to grow your Twitch audience, then you’re in luck. In this post, I’m going to share with you 7 steps for getting more followers on Twitch. These tips are based on my own experience, and they have helped me to attract more viewers and grow my channel. So without further ado, let’s get started!

Choose the right game to stream

When it comes to streaming, you need to choose the right game to play. Not all games are equal when it comes to streaming. For example, games that are fast-paced and action-packed (such as first-person shooters) tend to do better than games that are slower and more strategic (such as strategy games).

Create a catchy and interesting username

Your username is one of the first things that people will see when they visit your channel, so it’s important to choose something that is catchy and memorable. Avoid using numbers or random letters in your username, as this can make it harder for people to find you.

Create a unique and interesting personality for your channel

This is key for standing out from the rest of the crowd. When people watch your stream, they should feel like they’re getting to know you on a personal level. This means being yourself and not trying to be someone that you’re not.

Develop a schedule and stick to it

People are more likely to follow you if they know when to expect your next stream. By developing a regular streaming schedule, you can help build anticipation and keep people coming back for more.

Interact with viewers and other broadcasters

The best way to make friends on Twitch is by chatting with other viewers and hosts. There are thousands of people who watch your broadcasts, so it’s worth stopping every now then just for a conversation!

It might sound strange but one thing that can really help jump starting connections between streamers or even converting new followers into subscribers is interacting during streams – whether its asking questions about what game they’re playing at any given moment; engaging in discussion over whose turn it was last night in the game you’re playing; or simply just being friendly. If you take the time to show that you’re interested in others, they’ll be more likely to return the favor.

Use quality equipment

The quality of your stream can make or break it, so be sure to use high-quality equipment like a gaming console with a built in mic and camera.

The more intricately designed the hardware is for streaming on Twitch; especially if you’re looking into getting started early – means higher chances that viewers will see what they are paying attention to! Streaming on Twitch is a visual medium, and as such it’s important to have great quality visuals. This can be done with the use of quality hardware, but don’t forget about your surroundings either!  Having a clean and well-lit room to stream in will also help improve the quality of your stream.

Promote your channel on social media and other websites

Make sure to tell your friends and followers on social media when you’re going live. You can also create a Twitch profile on other websites (such as Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube) to attract more viewers. By taking the time to promote your channel on other platforms, you can reach a whole new audience that may not be familiar with Twitch.

How to get more viewers on twitch

By following the steps mentioned above, you can grow your Twitch audience and attract more viewers to your channel. Just remember to be yourself, interact with others, and have quality equipment and visuals. If you do all of this, then you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful streamer.

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