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Full-Time Student and Full-Time Job: My Story of Success




Being a full-time student can come with its own challenges. However, the challenge can be extreme for college students who have full-time jobs. While they may have money to buy coursework, they also have to complete it and earn the corresponding certification. It could look like an impossible mission because there are only 24 hours in a day.

Thanks to the digital era, students can now take professional courses from the comfort of their phones and mobile gadgets during work breaks. Many college and university students have found that buying a paper online is a helpful strategy for meeting tight deadlines, as there are many services that offer online coursework for buy.

From ordering coursework to working full hours, I was able to complete my college paper with the help of dissertation writing services. Were there challenges along this journey, or was it hassle-free? Follow my success story to see how I combined both roles well.

Notable Challenges I Experienced as a College Student

Moving into the university was a beautiful transition, but it demanded greater responsibility. It was the stage where I experienced personal growth, exciting experiences, and growing pains. I had all the freedom I wanted, but the first few months were not as easy as I thought. I had challenging moments but had to learn through them.

The notable challenges I experienced in my early times as a university student include:

Effective Studying

The major reason anyone goes to school is to get a degree. However, it is not only about getting a degree but also about doing it with flying colors. You want your degree to bring you closer to your dream job. This demands the maximum effort of reading, being faithful and thorough with class assignments, attendance, and participating in group tasks.

Since I was working and already earning some stipends, I often got tired and did not engage my reading as much in the first few weeks. Each day I get back from work, I just want to eat and rest for the next day. My only hope was to maximize the weekends for effective studying. Since I had personal, predetermined grades, I knew this type of studying was far from the desired result.

Time Management

Time management is another challenge I faced in my early years. In my first year, my workplace was far from home. I would spend two hours on the bus and train to work. The pattern is the same whenever I have to go back home. This implies that I have spent 4 hours of my 24 hours in motion.


On some days, it could be longer due to some glitches in the transport system. Also, the effect can make me so tired that I barely eat. I just want to get home, take a shower, and sleep. This consistently happened for the first 12 weeks of my college years. I knew I needed to fix this urgently.

Mental and Physical Health

In a bid to balance everything out, I was overwhelmed. I had schoolwork to do while I had responsibilities at work. It seemed like I was losing myself. On some days, I would break down and ask permission to be absent from work. My mental and physical health were not in the best shape.

Student Debt

Being a student can be expensive. You have to get everything you need to achieve success. From paying school fees to sorting out accommodation rent, it always seems like the bills never end. Some of my friends took student loans, and they needed to meet their monthly targets. The whole financial situation was not encouraging.

How I Handled the Challenges

The most crucial part of my success story was that I agreed with the challenges and how impactful they were on my life. Since I was able to identify each problem and its peculiarities, I needed to come up with the perfect solution for each one. These solutions include:

The Use of Online Courses

Buying online courses was the perfect solution I needed for effective studying. These courses were flexible, as I could attend them while transporting myself to work in the morning. While returning from work in the evening, I revise my morning studying activities to ensure retention. This way, I was able to dedicate three hours to my schoolwork each day.

Also, the instructors of the online courses were more detailed than my school lecturers. They take their time to explain every process. Also, I could connect with them to ask personal questions. My study life became effective from this point on. The academic results I had from this period were outstanding as compared to the previous results.

Reminders, Sticky Notes, and Digital Calendars

To manage time, I employed reminders, sticky notes, and digital calendars. My courses had regular reminders that helped me know the possible time for my next study. This way, I could plan ahead to create the best conditions for effective studying. It was easier to make every minute count with these efforts.

Prioritizing My Health

The statement “health is wealth” is only appreciated when you are sick. I was not in full charge of my time and, in turn, my entire life. Poor time management and daily stress wouldn’t make me eat well. This can continue for several nights until I become sick.


Time management helped me act better. I was in charge of my daily activities. Hence, I decided when and what I wanted to eat each day, made plans for rest, and when to engage in some physical exercises. From that moment on, I hardly felt ill.

Seeking Support and Delegating Tasks

One of the significant realizations I had was that I couldn’t handle everything on my own. Whether it was seeking guidance from a mentor, confiding in friends about my academic struggles, or occasionally delegating tasks at work, I learned the power of collaboration and support. Surrounding myself with individuals who understood my goals was crucial.

This not only reduced my stress levels but also opened up avenues for more effective solutions that I wouldn’t have thought of alone. Engaging in group study sessions or collaborating on projects at work allowed me to leverage the strengths of others and provide support in return. By recognizing that seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness but rather one of strength, I was able to keep a balanced life, progressing both academically and professionally.


Do not buy into the lie that you cannot be a full-time student who can engage in work fully, too. My journey of juggling both responsibilities was not without its challenges, but it was also filled with valuable lessons, immense growth, and moments of pride. This experience has shaped my resilience, time-management skills, and determination.

While it may not be the path for everyone, it is indeed possible with the right mindset, support, and unwavering commitment. For those who find themselves at this crossroads, remember to prioritize self-care, seek guidance when needed, and stay rooted in your reasons for pursuing both avenues. Your dual journey can be both enlightening and empowering, forging a unique path of success that only a few dare to tread.

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