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Twitter For Nonprofits: 10 Ways To Increase Twitter Followers




Undoubtedly, Twitter can be an incredibly powerful tool for nonprofits to reach their audience. It can spread awareness, fundraise and even build relationships with supporters.

Below we will explore how nonprofits can maximise their Twitter presence, from building a strong profile to increasing followers.

Overview Of Twitter For Nonprofits

Twitter is a powerful tool for nonprofits to create social impact and increase engagement with their audience.

Here are ten ways that Twitter can help nonprofits increase their followers and grow their online presence:

1. Develop a strong profile that accurately represents your nonprofit’s mission.

2. Use relevant hashtags to help your content reach a wider audience.

3. Engage with your followers by responding to their comments and messages.

4. Post regularly to establish credibility and create a faithful following.

5. Share your nonprofit’s success stories and impact to create an emotional connection with your audience.

6. Share Twitter conversations relevant to your nonprofit’s mission to increase visibility.

7. Use visuals like photos and videos to increase engagement and catch the audience’s attention.

8. Collaborate with influencers and other nonprofits to expand your reach and cultivate new supporters.

9. Use Twitter ads to increase awareness of your nonprofit’s mission and activities.

10. Track your metrics and adjust your strategy to optimise your organisation’s presence on Twitter. Pro tip – Remember to engage with your followers and build genuine relationships that support your nonprofit’s growth.

Benefits Of Having A Twitter Presence

A Twitter presence offers nonprofits many benefits, including increased visibility, brand awareness, and audience engagement.

Here are some of how Twitter can help nonprofits:

1. Reach a wider audience: Nonprofits can use Twitter’s search function and hashtags to find and engage with potential supporters, donors, and partners.

2. Build relationships: Twitter allows nonprofits to connect with their audience personally, share their mission and stories, and answer questions and concerns.

3. Promote events and fundraisers: Twitter can be used to spread the word about nonprofit events and fundraisers, including live-tweeting and using relevant hashtags.

4. Increase website traffic: By sharing links to their website on Twitter, nonprofits can drive traffic and increase their online visibility.

5. Monitor trends and stay informed: Nonprofits can use Twitter to keep track of news and trends related to their cause and engage in timely conversations.

By using these strategies and posting relevant and engaging content, nonprofits can increase their Twitter followers and expand their reach.

Pro Tip: To increase your Twitter followers, engage with other users by retweeting, liking, and responding to their tweets. Also, use relevant hashtags and post regularly to stay visible.

Importance Of Twitter Followers For Nonprofits

Twitter can be a powerful tool for non-profit organisations to raise awareness, engage with supporters, and increase donations. Having a large following on Twitter can be particularly important for nonprofits, as it can help to amplify their message and reach a wider audience.

Here are 10 ways nonprofits can increase their Twitter followers:

1. Tweet frequently with relevant and engaging content.

2. Use hashtags to help people find and engage with your content.

3. Retweet and engage with other accounts in your industry or sector.

4. Run a Twitter chat to engage your followers and raise awareness about your cause.

5. Use Twitter advertising to reach new audiences.

6. Host a Twitter contest or giveaway to incentivize people to follow you.

7. Optimise your Twitter bio to help people understand what your organisation does.

8. Use compelling visuals and multimedia to make your tweets stand out.

9. Share user-generated content to show your appreciation for your followers.

10. Collaborate with influencers or other organisations to reach new audiences.

Remember, the power of Twitter grows with the right strategy, so make sure you have one in place to maximise the impact for your non-profit.


Creating A Twitter Profile For Your Nonprofit

Starting a Twitter profile is essential for nonprofits to engage with fans, donors, and supporters. Setting up your nonprofit’s Twitter account can help create an online presence, increase followers, and boost engagement with your followers.

Let’s get into the basics of setting up a non-profit Twitter profile.

Crafting a Professional and Engaging Twitter Bio

Crafting a professional and engaging Twitter bio is crucial for making a strong first impression on potential followers and communicating your nonprofit’s mission and values.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating your Twitter bio:

  • Be concise: You only have 160 characters to convey who you are and what you do, so make every word count.
  • Highlight your impact: Use specific numbers or metrics to showcase your nonprofit’s achievements and impact.
  • Showcase your personality: Inject some personality into your Twitter bio through humour, storytelling, or other creative approaches.
  • Include relevant hashtags: Incorporate relevant hashtags into your Twitter bio to increase your visibility and reach on the platform.

Pro Tip: Regularly review and update your Twitter bio to reflect changes in your nonprofit’s mission or goals.

Choosing a Profile Picture and Header Image

Choosing a profile picture and a header image is crucial when creating a Twitter profile for your nonprofit, as it is your first impression on potential followers.

Here are some tips to consider:

Profile Picture:

  • Use a high-quality, visually appealing image that represents your nonprofit’s brand.
  • Keep it simple and easy to recognize, even at a small size.
  • Consider incorporating your nonprofit’s logo or mission into the image.

Header Image:

  • Choose an image related to your nonprofit or the cause you support.
  • Keep it visually interesting and relevant but not overwhelming.
  • Use a high-resolution image to ensure it looks good on all devices.

By following these tips, you can create a professional and engaging Twitter profile for your nonprofit that attracts new followers and promotes your cause.

Creating and Promoting Hashtags for Your Nonprofit

Creating and promoting hashtags is an effective way for nonprofits to increase their brand recognition and social media presence. Here are some tips for creating and promoting hashtags to benefit your organisation:

Keep it simple and memorable: The best hashtags are short, catchy and easy to remember. Avoid using confusing or long hashtags that are difficult to spell or recall.

Do your research: Before creating a hashtag, research to ensure it hasn’t been used before or associated with something negative.

Make it relevant: Use hashtags that reflect your organisation’s goals or initiatives. They should be relevant to your brand and searchable.

Promote your hashtag: Use your nonprofit’s Twitter profile to promote your hashtag, and add it to your bio and tweets. Encourage followers to use it and share it with their networks.

Leverage influencer partnerships: Collaborate with influencers in your industry or target audience to encourage them to use your hashtag and spread the message.

By implementing these tips, nonprofit organisations can increase their social media presence, and stand out in the ever-growing world of social media.

Tweeting Strategies For Nonprofits

Twitter is an amazing tool for nonprofits looking to build their audience and further their mission. With a little effort, it is possible to leverage Twitter to increase followers and engagement.

In this article, we will cover 10 strategies that you can use to grow your Twitter following and make an impact.

Defining Your Nonprofit’s Social Media Voice

Defining your nonprofit’s social media voice is essential to effectively communicating your brand message and reaching your target audience on Twitter. Your Twitter voice should align with your mission and values, be consistent, and engage your audience.

Here are ten ways to increase your Twitter followers and build your nonprofit’s social media presence:

1. Use relevant and trending hashtags to increase visibility.

2. Build relationships with other nonprofits, donors, and supporters.

3. Share engaging and relevant content that resonates with your target audience.

4. Partner with influencers who align with your mission and values.

5. Use multimedia (photos and videos) to increase engagement.

6. Live-tweet events to increase visibility and showcase your organisation’s impact.

7. Respond to mentions and messages from followers to increase engagement.

8. Schedule tweets in advance to maintain consistency and ensure regular content.

9. Encourage retweets and shares to increase visibility and reach a wider audience.

10. Analyse your Twitter analytics to track progress and make informed decisions about future content.

Creating Relevant and Engaging Tweets

Creating relevant and engaging tweets can help nonprofits increase their followers on Twitter and drive more engagement with their audience.

Here are some tweeting strategies for nonprofits to keep in mind:

1. Use relevant hashtags (#) to connect with users interested in your cause

2. Include images and videos to make your tweets more visually appealing

3. Use concise language and impactful statements to grab attention

4. Respond to comments and messages to show that you’re active and engaged with your audience

5. Use mentions (@) to give credit to partners and collaborators


By following these strategies, nonprofits can leverage Twitter effectively and grow their platform presence.

Utilising Visuals and Media in Your Tweets

Utilising visuals and media in your tweets is an effective way to increase engagement and reach on Twitter for nonprofits. Here are some ways to incorporate visuals and media into your nonprofit’s tweets:

Use eye-catching images, videos, or GIFs that align with your brand and messaging.

Consider utilising Instagram or YouTube links in your tweets to drive traffic to additional content.

Use Twitter polls to engage your audience and gather valuable feedback or opinions.

Incorporate hashtags and mentions to increase the visibility of your tweets and expand your reach.

Utilising Twitter Analytics For Nonprofits

Twitter analytics can help nonprofits stay on top of their follower counts, measure engagement, and track performance. With more insight into their current performance, nonprofits can devise strategies to increase Twitter followers, reach new audiences, and grow their presence.

In this article, we’ll discuss 10 ways you can use Twitter analytics to increase your follower count for your nonprofit.

How to Measure Your Nonprofit’s Twitter Success

Measuring Twitter success for non-profit organisations is crucial for building strong online engagement with their audience. In addition, utilising Twitter analytics can help non-profits track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

Here are a few steps you can take to measure your non-profit’s Twitter success:

1. Track your follower count over time using Twitter Analytics

2. Monitor engagement metrics such as likes, retweets, and comments to see which content resonates with your audience.

3. Analyse demographic data to see whether your Twitter audience aligns with your non-profit’s target audience.

4. Monitor website clicks and referral traffic to see whether your Twitter activity drives traffic.

5. Monitor Twitter mentions and direct messages to stay engaged with your audience and address any concerns or feedback they may have.

Pro Tip: Don’t get caught up in follower count alone. It’s essential to engage your audience meaningfully and build a strong connection with them instead of only focusing on the number of followers.

Utilising Twitter Analytics For Metrics And Insights

Utilising Twitter Analytics can provide valuable metrics and insights for nonprofits to increase their Twitter followers and engagement. In addition, this can help organisations measure the effectiveness of their social media strategies and adjust their approach accordingly.

One way to increase Twitter followers for nonprofits is through targeted outreach to relevant users. Identifying key influencers, such as those mentioned in the provided keyword, can help expand an organisation’s reach and attract new followers.

By using Twitter Analytics, nonprofits can track their progress and see what is working and what is not. This information can then be used to refine their strategies and engage with their followers more effectively.

Analysing Audience Engagement And Growth

Analysing audience engagement and growth is the key to effective social media marketing for nonprofits. Twitter Analytics is an essential tool that enables nonprofits to track their engagement metrics and can aid them in making evidence-based decisions for their next moves to further growth.

By keeping a close eye on the demographics of their following and understanding their audience’s interests, nonprofits can tailor their social media content and increase their followers.

Here are 10 effective and actionable ways that nonprofits can use to grow their Twitter followers:

1. Promote engagement by tagging individuals & brands in tweets.

2. Curate and share relevant content from other sources.

3. Use relevant hashtags.

4. Tweet visual content.

5. Optimise Twitter bio.

6. Stay active on Twitter.

7. Use Twitter ads.

8. Partner with complementary nonprofits.

9. Use Twitter Moments.

10. Host Twitter chats.

Using these tips, nonprofits can leverage Twitter to reach a wider audience and effectively engage with their existing supporters.


Twitter is an effective platform for nonprofits to increase their reach and engage their supporters. But every nonprofit needs to have people following them to get the most out of their Twitter campaigns. In this article, we’ll talk about 10 ways to increase Twitter followers for nonprofits.

From increasing the visibility of your account to utilising hashtags and engaging your followers, there are many ways to grow your audience on Twitter. So let’s dive in and explore how you can increase your Twitter followers for your nonprofit.

Using Hashtags To Reach A Wider Audience

Hashtags are a powerful tool for nonprofits to reach a wider audience on Twitter

Here are 5 tips for effectively using hashtags to increase your nonprofit’s Twitter following:

1. Use hashtags relevant to your cause and audience

2. Create a branded hashtag for your nonprofit

3. Keep your hashtags short and easy to remember

4. Research popular hashtags in your industry or cause

5. Participate in hashtag campaigns and Twitter chats related to your cause or industry.

These strategies will help increase your nonprofit’s visibility on Twitter and attract more passionate followers about your cause. Pro tip: Track your hashtag performance using Twitter analytics to adjust your strategy accordingly.



Engaging with other nonprofits and influencers is a powerful strategy for increasing your Twitter followers as a nonprofit organisation. Here are some ways to do this:

1. Tag other nonprofits and influencers in your tweets.

2. Retweet and reply to their tweets and ask them to do the same for you.

3. Participate in Twitter chats about your cause and engage with other participants.

4. Offer to guest post or collaborate with other nonprofits and influencers.

5. Share each other’s content and cross-promote your Twitter accounts on other social media platforms.

6. Use relevant hashtags in your tweets to increase visibility and reach.

7. Engage with your followers and respond to their tweets and messages.

8. Host Twitter giveaways and contests to engage with your followers and attract new ones.

9. Follow relevant accounts in your niche and engage with their content.

10. Monitor analytics and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Pro Tip: Always approach engagement and collaborations with a genuine desire to build relationships and support your cause, rather than just to gain followers.

Retweeting And Sharing Relevant Content

Retweeting and sharing relevant content is important for nonprofits to increase Twitter followers. In addition, by sharing content from other organisations and industry experts, nonprofits can establish themselves as a valuable source of information and expand their reach to a wider audience.

Here are ten tips to increase Twitter followers for nonprofits:

1. Follow and engage with industry leaders and influencers.

2. Retweet and share content from other organisations related to your cause.

3. Use relevant hashtags to increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.

4. Host Twitter chats to engage with your followers and other organisations.

5. Share compelling images and videos that tell your organisation’s story.

6. Use calls-to-action to encourage your followers to engage and share your content.

7. Tweet consistently and at the right times to optimise engagement.

8. Monitor and respond to messages and mentions to engage with your followers.

9. Run Twitter Ads to increase your reach and promote your cause.

10. Measure your success with Twitter analytics to refine your strategy and improve your results.

Hosting Twitter Chats Or Q&A’s

Hosting Twitter Chats or Q&A’s can effectively increase engagement and followers for nonprofit organisations on Twitter. Here are some tips to make your next chat or Q&A a success:

1. Use a unique hashtag relevant to your organisation and the chat/Q&A topic.

2. Promote the chat/Q&A in advance on your nonprofit’s Twitter profile and other relevant channels.

3. Invite experts or influencers in the same field to participate in the chat/Q&A.

4. Prepare questions beforehand and share them with participants before the chat/Q&A.

5. Provide context and background information about each question.

6. Encourage participants to share their thoughts and ideas and to ask follow-up questions.

7. Respond to all the questions and comments during the chat/Q&A.

8. Retweet and share participant’s answers and questions.

9. Follow up with participants after the chat/Q&A and thank them for participating.

10. Analyse the results and feedback to improve future Twitter chats/Q&A’s.


Running Twitter contests and giveaways can greatly increase followers and engagement on your nonprofit’s account. Below are some tips to make your Twitter contests and giveaways a success:

1. Determine the rules and entry requirements.

2. Set a deadline and how you will select your winners.

3. Use a branded hashtag to make it easier to track entries.

4. Collaborate with relevant brands or social media influencers to increase your reach.

5. Promote your giveaway on your website and other social media platforms.

6. Retweet and like entries to show appreciation and attract more participants.

7. Use visuals such as images or videos to make your contest visually appealing.

8. Offer prizes that resonate with your target audience.

9. Follow up with contestants even after the giveaway is over.

10. Analyse your contest’s performance and evaluate what worked and what didn’t.

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Promoting Your Twitter On Other Platforms And Websites

Promoting your Twitter on other platforms and websites is a great way to increase your nonprofit organisation’s Twitter followers. Here are 10 ways to do it:

1. Embed Twitter feeds on your website and blog.

2. Add Twitter handles to your email signature.

3. Include Twitter links and handles on your business cards and marketing materials.

4. Share your Twitter handle and content on other social media platforms.

5. Run contests and giveaways on Twitter to encourage more followers.

6. Use hashtags relevant to your organisation and audience to increase visibility.

7. Collaborate with other nonprofits, influencers, and like-minded organisations on Twitter.

8. Consistently share valuable content and engage with your followers to build relationships.

9. Consider using Twitter Ads to boost your reach and visibility.

10. Attend or host Twitter chats and events to connect with your audience and grow your following.


Utilising Twitter Ads is a great way for nonprofits to reach a larger audience, increase engagement, and raise awareness for their cause. Here are some tips for making the most out of Twitter Ads:

1. Set a clear campaign objective, whether it’s to increase website visits, followers or engagement.

2. Use audience targeting to reach the right people interested in your cause.

3. Keep your ad creative simple and eye-catching, with a clear call-to-action.

4. Monitor your ad performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

5. Collaborate with influencers and partner organisations to expand your reach.

6. Use Twitter’s analytics tools to track your progress and improve your strategy.

7. Participate in Twitter chats and use relevant hashtags to increase visibility and engage with your audience.

8. Use high-quality visuals and videos to make your content more engaging.

9. Use Twitter’s ad formats creatively, such as Promoted Tweets or Promoted Accounts, to increase your visibility.

10. Utilise Twitter Ads promotional codes for nonprofits to increase your ad spending power.

Pro-Tip: Utilising Twitter Ads effectively can be a powerful tool for nonprofits to achieve their goals and reach a larger audience. By following these tips and keeping a close eye on analytics and performance, nonprofits can create successful Twitter campaigns that are both engaging and impactful.

Leveraging Trending Topics And Holidays

Leveraging trending topics and holidays is a great strategy for increasing engagement and followers on Twitter for nonprofits. Here are ten ways to do it effectively:

1. Follow hashtags related to your cause or industry to stay current on relevant topics.

2. Create content around trending topics and hashtags to join the conversation and reach a wider audience.

3. Use Twitter polls to engage followers and gain insights into their interests and opinions.

4. Share user-generated content related to your cause or nonprofit.

5. Plan Twitter campaigns around holidays and special events to increase visibility and engagement.

6. Collaborate with other nonprofits or organisations to amplify your message and reach a larger audience.

7. Keep an eye on current affairs and news articles to find opportunities to engage with your followers and share timely content.

8. Use Twitter analytics to track your performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.

9. Engage with your followers by responding to their comments and messages.

10. Share authentic and powerful stories about your cause to build an emotional connection with your audience.

Pro tip: Don’t forget to use visuals like images and videos to make your tweets more engaging and shareable.

Creating And Sharing Infographics Or Visuals

Creating and sharing infographics or visuals is a great way to increase engagement and promote your message on social media platforms like Twitter, especially for nonprofits looking to increase their following. Here are some tips to make your infographics or visuals stand out on Twitter:

1. Use bright colours and clear fonts to make your infographic visually appealing.

2. Make sure your infographic or visual is easy to read and understand.

3. Include relevant hashtags to increase discoverability.

4. Share your infographic or visual at optimal times when your target audience is most active on Twitter.

5. Don’t forget to mention relevant Twitter handles of individuals or organisations you want to reach.

6. Keep your infographic or visual concise and to the point.

7. Promote your infographic or visual across all your social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

8. Use relevant statistics and data to back up your message in the infographic.

9. Use free online tools to create your infographic or visual, such as Canva or Piktochart.

10. Measure your results and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Pro Tip: It’s important to stay on-brand with your nonprofit’s message and personality when creating infographics or visuals. Use consistent imagery and messaging to help build recognition and trust with your followers.

Conducting Twitter Surveys Or Polls To Engage Your Audience.

Conducting Twitter surveys or polls is an effective way to engage your audience and increase your Twitter followers for nonprofits. Here are some tips to make the most out of

Twitter surveys or polls:

1. Choose a relevant topic that appeals to your target audience.

2. Keep the survey or poll short and simple. Avoid asking too many questions.

3. Use eye-catching graphics or images to grab attention and increase engagement.

4. Share the survey or poll on your social media and email channels to reach a wider audience.

5. Follow up with the results and insights from the survey or poll to show your audience that their feedback is valued.

6. Include relevant hashtags to increase reach and visibility.

7. Respond to comments and feedback to increase engagement and build relationships with your audience.

8. Collaborate with other nonprofits and experts to co-host surveys or polls and reach a wider audience.

9. Analyse the results and use them to improve your nonprofit’s social media strategy and campaigns.

10. Thank your audience for participating and contributing to your cause.

Pro tip: Keeping your followers engaged with interactive content like surveys or polls is an effective way to build a loyal and active community on Twitter.

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