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@mizunyankabu Discovers The Reddit Tools Available To Everyone




Not all Reddit tools are available to everyone and free. While Reddit offers its users a variety of free tools and features, some certain tools and features are restricted to certain users or require a paid subscription. For example, Reddit Premium is a subscription-based service that provides users access to exclusive content, a r/lounge community, and 700 coins per month to award exceptional posts or comments.

Additionally, some subreddit moderators may have access to certain tools not available to regular users, such as the ability to ban users or approve/deny posts. Finally, it’s important to note that even free Reddit tools and features may have certain limitations or requirements, such as minimum karma or account age thresholds.

As a general rule, Reddit is a free platform offering various helpful tools and features to enhance the user experience.

Introduction to Reddit

Reddit is a widely popular social platform attracting millions of users daily. This platform offers a wide range of tools, but not all of them are available to everyone and are free. To understand Reddit’s different tools and features, let’s look at the platform in detail.

What is Reddit?

Reddit is a social media platform and online community where users can share news, links, and opinions on various topics. It’s essentially a giant bulletin board with sub-sections dedicated to specific interests, called subreddits.

While most of Reddit’s tools are free, not everyone is available. Reddit Gold, for example, is a premium subscription service that offers users access to exclusive features like custom themes and the ability to turn off ads. However, the basic functionality of Reddit, including the ability to browse subreddits, post comments and links, and upvote or downvote content, is accessible to all users free of charge.

How does Reddit work?

Reddit is a social news aggregation, discussion, and web content rating website where users can submit content through links, stories, images, and videos. The content is then ranked or voted up or down by other users, determining its visibility and popularity on the site.

While most Reddit tools are free to everyone, certain features are exclusive to paid members or moderators. For example, only moderators can remove posts or ban users from a subreddit. Additionally, some subreddits will require you to meet certain criteria or be invited by a moderator to join.

As a user, you can upvote content, participate in discussions, create or join subreddits that reflect your interests, and save content for later viewing. Reddit is a community-driven platform focusing on transparency, user-generated content, and open discussions.

Reddit’s popularity and user demographics

Reddit is one of the most popular social media platforms with various users across different demographics. However, not all Reddit tools are available to everyone for free.

Reddit is free to use, but it offers premium features for advanced users at a cost. These features include Reddit ads, allowing users to advertise their business, product or services. The cost of Reddit ads depends on the type of advertisement and the targeted audience.

Additionally, third-party tools can be used with Reddit, but Reddit does not officially endorse them and may come at a cost.

As for the demographics, Reddit has a user base that is predominantly young, male and educated. For example, a 2021 survey shows 67% of Reddit users are male, and 59% are under 30. These demographics indicate a specific type of audience that appeals to certain brands and businesses.

Pro Tip: To make the most out of Reddit as a marketing tool, businesses should identify their target audience and create content that appeals to them.


Reddit tools are designed to help users access the popular platform more easily, effectively, and safely. Various types of Reddit tools are available, including third-party websites, plugins, and more.

In this section, we’ll explore the various types of Reddit tools and whether or not they are available to everyone and free.

Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES)

Reddit Enhancement Suite or RES is a free browser extension that enhances the user experience on Reddit. RES provides a range of features unavailable on the standard Reddit platform, making it easier and more convenient for users to navigate and engage with the site.

However, not all Reddit tools are available to everyone and free. For example, while RES is a free tool that anyone can download and use, some other third-party apps and bots can enhance the Reddit experience, but they may come at a cost or not be available to everyone. For example, some bots require a monthly subscription fee, while others are only available to certain Reddit communities or moderators. Therefore, it is important to research and read reviews before investing in any Reddit tools to ensure they meet your needs and are worth the cost.


Reddit Investigator

Reddit Investigator is one of the many Reddit tools that users can leverage to analyze and gather information about the platform’s content and user behavior. However, not all Reddit tools are available to everyone; some may come with a price tag.

For instance, third-party analytics tools like Social Blade, Hootsuite, and Sprout Social provide Reddit insights and monitoring features, but they may require a subscription or a fee. Meanwhile, Reddit’s built-in analytics platform, Reddit Metrics, offers public information about subreddits’ subscriber growth, top posts, and searches, but access to more granular data requires moderator permissions.

Therefore, it’s important to research and compare different Reddit tools’ features and pricing before selecting the one that best suits your needs and budget.

Reddit Metrics

Reddit Metrics is a popular tracking tool for analyzing Reddit user and subreddit activity. However, not all Reddit tools available are free or accessible to everyone.

  • Native tools created and maintained by Reddit, such as the Reddit Enhancement Suite and Reddit Metrics.
  • Third-party tools created by external developers or companies, such as Hootsuite and Buffer.
  • Premium tools are advanced or specialized tools that require payment to access, such as Reddit Insight and Subreddit Stats.

While some Reddit tools are free and accessible to everyone, others require payment or may have limited availability.

Pro Tip: Before investing in a Reddit tool, assess if it fits your needs and budget. Consider experimenting with free tools before investing in premium ones.

Tools Available for Everyone

Reddit provides a wide array of tools to everyone, regardless of their Reddit account status. These tools range from sorting post by popularity, helping users find relevant content, organizing subreddits, and more. Unfortunately, not all of these tools are available for free. In this article, we will look at the different tools Reddit offers, which are free and which require payment.

What are the free, public Reddit tools?

Not all Reddit tools are available for everyone and many are not free. However, some free, public Reddit tools can be used by anyone with a Reddit account. Here are some of the most popular ones:

1. Reddit Enhancement Suite – a browser extension that enhances the Reddit browsing experience with keyboard shortcuts, infinite scrolling, and filtering options.

2. Reddit Insight – a tool that analyzes subreddits and provides data on the most popular posts, users, and comments.

3. Subreddit Stats – a tool that provides statistics on a specific subreddit, such as the number of subscribers, activity level, and top users.

4. Snoopsnoo – a tool that provides information on Reddit users, such as their posting history, most popular comments, and subscribed subreddits.

Note that Reddit may change their policies regarding these tools at any time. Pro tip – Double-check the Reddit terms of service to ensure that you aren’t violating any guidelines when using these tools.

How to access and use the free, public Reddit tools

Yes, all Reddit tools are available to everyone and are free to use. Here’s how to access and use these public tools:

1. Navigate to the Reddit website and log in to your account.

2. Click on your username in the top-right corner of the page and select “User Settings.”

3. Scroll down to the “Account Activity” section and click on “Manage third-party access.”

4. Here, you can see all the apps and websites that you have authorized to access your Reddit account.

5. To access the public Reddit API, click the “Developed Applications” tab and select “Create App or API Token.”

6. Follow the prompts to generate an API key and get access to the Reddit API and other public tools.

With these tools, you can access user data, analyze subreddit activity, and automate tasks such as posting or commenting. However, be sure to read Reddit’s terms of service and API usage guidelines before using these tools.

Pros and cons of the free, public Reddit tools

All Reddit tools are not available to everyone and free. In addition, while many free, public Reddit tools are available, some tools also require payment or have limitations on usage.

Pros of free, public Reddit tools include:

  • Accessibility – anyone can access these tools with an internet connection and a Reddit account.
  • Cost-effective – these tools are free of cost and a great option for those on a tight budget.
  • Community-driven – most of these tools were created by the Reddit community, ensuring that they cater to the needs of Reddit users.

However, some cons of free, public Reddit tools are:

  • Limited functionality – many free tools have limited functionalities and may not be as feature-rich as paid tools.
  • Reliability – since most of these tools are community-driven, their reliability and accuracy may not be guaranteed.
  • Security risks – using third-party tools on Reddit can pose security risks to your account. It’s important to exercise caution and carefully research any tools before using them on your account.

Tools Available for Paid Users

Reddit is a great platform to connect with others and participate in different communities. Numerous tools available to Reddit users make navigating the site more convenient and productive. While some are free and open to everybody, some are only available to paid users.

Let’s look at the different tools available to Reddit users and the differences between the ones available to everyone and those available to paid users.

What are the Reddit tools available only to paid users?

No, not all of the Reddit tools are free to everyone. Some of the Reddit tools are exclusively reserved for paid users. These paid tools come with various perks and benefits that free users don’t have access to.

Some of the Reddit tools exclusively available for paid users are:

1. Custom avatar creation

2. Exclusively curated themes

3. Categorized saved posts and comments

4. Access to the r/lounge community

5. Advanced moderation options and tools

6. Longer editing and revision periods

7. Ad-free browsing experience

8. Ability to view the “gilded” tab on profiles

While free users still have access to many of Reddit’s great features, paid users have access to additional tools that enhance their user experience.

How to access and use the paid Reddit tools

Are all Reddit tools available to everyone and free to use? The answer is No. Only paid Reddit users have access to advanced tools that can help them get the most out of their Reddit experience. Here’s how to access and use the paid Reddit tools:

1. Upgrade to a Reddit Premium account or buy Reddit coins.

2. After purchase, the advanced tools become available to you. These tools include creating your subreddit, seeing who has upvoted your posts, and accessing the Reddit ad platform.

3. To use these tools, click on your profile icon and select “My Coins” or “My Premium” from the dropdown menu. From there, you can access the tools and features available to you.

Note that the prices for Reddit Premium and coins vary, and the tools you can access will depend on the one you choose.

Pros and cons of the paid Reddit tools

Not all Reddit tools are available to everyone for free. Likewise, paid Reddit tools come with pros and cons worth considering before committing to a subscription.


Improved Content Discovery: Paid Reddit tools provide users with a powerful search function that allows them to discover popular posts quickly and easily.

Better Community Management: Paid Reddit tools offer powerful moderation features, giving users more control over their communities than free users have.

Ad-Free Experience: Paying for Reddit tools eliminates ads and allows users to enjoy a cleaner, more streamlined browsing experience.


Cost: The major drawback of paid Reddit tools is that they can be expensive, with monthly or yearly subscription costs that can add up over time.

Steep Learning Curve: Some paid Reddit tools require a learning curve to master. Users may need to spend time learning how to use new features effectively.

Limited Reach: Despite the improved content discovery and community management tools, paid Reddit accounts have the same limitations as free accounts when reaching a wider audience or gaining traction for your content.

Pro Tip: Consider your needs carefully before investing in paid Reddit tools. Consider whether a paid account’s added benefits are worth the cost and time investment.


Reddit is a platform with many powerful tools available for users to take full advantage of, but are all these tools accessible and free to everyone?

This article will review the different factors to consider when determining which Reddit tool best fits you and your needs. Then, we’ll explore the different types of Reddit tools available and what features they offer to help you make the right decision.

Factors to consider when choosing a Reddit tool

When choosing a Reddit tool, there are several factors that you should consider to ensure that the tool meets your needs.

Firstly, consider the tool’s purpose – whether you want to use it for analytics, scheduling posts, or managing multiple accounts.

Secondly, check whether the tool is compatible with your device and operating system.

Thirdly, check the features and user interface of the tool and ensure that it is easy to use for your level of experience.

Lastly, consider the cost and pricing plan for the tool, and whether it offers a free trial or a free version.

However, not all Reddit tools are available to everyone and free. Some advanced tools require a subscription or payment to access their full features. Therefore, it’s important to check the terms and conditions of the tool before using it.

Reddit tool reviews and ratings

Not all Reddit tools are available to everyone, and not all are free. When choosing a Reddit tool, it’s essential to consider your needs and budget carefully. Here are some tips to help you choose the right Reddit tool for you:

1. Determine your goals: Are you looking to grow your subreddit or track your brand on Reddit? Different tools cater to different Reddit marketing needs.

2. Consider the features: Look for a tool that aligns with your needs. For instance, some tools offer analytics, scheduling, and content management features ideal for tracking your target audience, managing conversations and tracking key metrics.

3. Check the cost: Many Reddit tools are subscription-based, while others are free with limited functionality. Determine your budget and opt for a tool with the most bang for your buck.

Remember, not all Reddit tools are equal, and not all will suit everyone, so choose one that fits your unique needs and budget.

Recommendations for the best Reddit tools

Not all Reddit tools are free to everyone, but there are still many great options available to assist with managing your Reddit presence. Here are some recommendations for the best Reddit tools:

Reddit Enhancement Suite (RES): This free browser extension offers a variety of features to customize your Reddit experience, including infinite scrolling, filtering, and the ability to tag users and subreddits.

Later for Reddit: This paid service lets you schedule posts, track performance metrics, and monitor keywords and mentions.

Crowdfire: This tool offers a free plan for managing social media accounts, including Reddit, with analytics, scheduling, and content curation features.

Moderator Toolbox: This free browser extension offers tools to assist moderators with managing their subreddits, such as user notes, spam reports, and removal reasons.

When choosing the right Reddit tool for your needs, consider your budget, goals, and the size of your Reddit presence. Pro Tip: Try using a few different tools to determine which works best.

Conclusion and Summary of Key Points

In conclusion and summary, not all Reddit tools are available to everyone and free of cost. Furthermore, while Reddit is a free platform that anyone can access and use, some of its tools and features are restricted to moderators and require certain privileges or permissions.

For instance, subreddit creation is available to everyone, but only a moderator can customize and moderate the subreddit. Similarly, advertising tools and analytics are available only to those who have paid for them.

However, most essential tools for using Reddit, such as upvoting, commenting, and posting, are free and available to everyone.

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