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Helpful Tips for Your Winter Garden



Gardening is a hobby that many people enjoy because it makes them feel good. It’s something you can do together as a family, and it can encourage you to eat healthier. Cold weather approaching does not mean you have to stop enjoying this hobby until it gets warmer again; you can garden in the winter, too. If you’re interested in winter gardening, you’ll have to be careful to do it correctly for the best results.

Make Sure to Keep Watering

Winter usually means lower temperatures, low humidity, and low precipitation, which cause problems for your outdoor plants. Plants are dormant in the winter, but they’re not dead and do require water to keep them healthy. While plants are dormant, they will not require as much hydration, but you should still plan to water them a few times per month. Only do this in the winter if the soil is dry to the touch, air temperatures are above 40 degrees, the soil isn’t frozen, and there is no snow covering the ground.

You should also avoid watering if there is snow or rain predicted in the forecast. Not only should you hydrate your plants, but you should also give your lawn water during the season at least once a month to keep the roots alive. A good rule to remember is you should hydrate your plants and lawn in the morning, so they have time to absorb the water before temperatures drop at night.

Surround Your EV Charging Station With Smart Landscaping

Landscaping is important, even in the winter, because it’s the first thing people notice about your home. If you’ve had EV charging solutions installed outside your home, you may be looking for ways to conceal it or make it more aesthetically pleasing. While there is nothing wrong with keeping it as is, if you are looking for ways to make it look nicer, you have a few options available to you.

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Bushes and shrubs around the charger may look nice, or creeping plants on the wall where it’s installed can transform the area. Even though EV chargers are waterproof, you can get a cover for them.

For expert advice and solutions tailored to enhance your outdoor space, consider consulting Michaelangelo’s landscape services to integrate your EV charging station seamlessly into your landscape design.

 Add Compost to Keep Plants Healthy

Composting at home is a great way to recycle scraps from the kitchen and turn them into nutrient-rich soil for your plants. You can compost a variety of items, such as coffee grounds, food and vegetable scraps, crushed eggshells, and paper tea bags. You can also compost material you’d find outside, like untreated wood chips and dry leaves.

Nutrient-rich compost is a great addition to your winter garden because it will help support your plants while they’re dormant. In addition, it’s a good idea to add a couple of inches to your garden before the ground freezes to help retain moisture and prevent root rot.

Plant Cold-Resistant Plants

If you want plants that will thrive during the winter, you should focus on planting cold-resistant plants. Plants that can survive this season include spinach, garlic, turnips, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Other plants that are known to be good in freezing temperatures include coneflower, catmint, blue spruce, wintergreen boxwood, and hostas. It’s essential to plant winter vegetables in October to give them plenty of time to take advantage of the sunny days before it begins to get dark early.

Bring Plants Indoors

Bringing plants indoors all depends on where you live and how low the temperatures get in the winter. If you live in a region that gets below 45 degrees at night, it’s recommended to bring them inside if possible, so they survive. Annuals and plants that go dormant in the winter should all be moved indoors and cared for until they can be brought outside again.

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The key to bringing your plants inside is having a dedicated growing area with proper lighting. Also, make sure to treat the plants for pests before bringing them indoors and keep them properly maintained.

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