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I Never Thought Juice Could Change My Life Until I Tried ABC




I was skeptical when my dietician suggested I try ABC juice – a blend of apple, beetroot, and carrots. She raved about its many health benefits, claiming it could give me glowing skin, strong hair, and an immunity boost. But could fruit and veggies in a cup provide such dramatic results?

What is ABC Juice?

ABC juice contains a powerful trio of antioxidant-rich superfoods – apples, beetroot, and carrots.

Apples are packed with vitamin C, which supports immunity and collagen production for youthful skin. Apples’ skin contains quercetin, a flavonoid that acts as a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Beetroot is brimming with nitrates that help improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. It also contains betalains and phytonutrients with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying effects.

Carrots are full of beta-carotene, a carotenoid converted to vitamin A in the body to maintain healthy vision, strengthen immunity, and ward off free radicals.

These three ingredients make a nutritious combination that provides a mega-dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

The Benefits of Daily ABC Juice

After just 3 months of drinking ABC juice every morning, I was stunned by the positive changes and health benefits of ABC juice.

Gone were my mid-morning energy crashes, replaced by sustained alertness and focus. I no longer needed to reach for coffee to kickstart my day. The natural sugars from the apple and the slow-burning carbohydrates in the beetroot and carrots gave me a clean energy boost.

My complexion looked dewy and radiant, not tired and sallow. The vitamin C and antioxidants in the juice combat free radical damage that can lead to dullness and dark spots. My skin had an almost youthful glow.

I sailed through the cold season without getting sick even once. The apple’s vitamin C and beta-carotene from the carrots supercharged my immunity. And with my improved circulation and detoxification, my body could better fight off pathogens.

The more I learned about the ingredients, the more the benefits of ABC juice made sense. Multiple studies validate what I was experiencing.

The Skin Benefits of ABC Juice Ingredients

Both apples and beets contain impressive amounts of vitamin C, which plays several important roles in skin health:

– Vitamin C is essential for collagen production. Collagen provides structure and elasticity, which keep skin firm and youthful looking. Studies show that increased vitamin C consumption can improve wrinkling and other signs of aging.

– Vitamin C supports wound healing by stimulating collagen synthesis after an injury. It also facilitates tissue repair after burns or surgery.

– As an antioxidant, vitamin C neutralizes skin cell damage from exposure to UV light, pollution, and other environmental factors that generate free radicals. This helps prevent hyperpigmentation and sun spots.

– Vitamin C inhibits an enzyme that causes melanin production, making it effective for improving conditions like acne scarring. Its anti-inflammatory properties are beneficial for inflammatory skin conditions such as acne.

Both apples and carrots also contain vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene acts as a photoprotective agent, protecting skin from sun damage. It also provides antioxidant protection against free radicals that accelerate aging.

Vitamin A is essential for the growth and maintenance of all epithelial tissue, including the skin. Skin can become dry, scaly, and bumpy without sufficient vitamin A.

The Hair Benefits of ABC Juice

Your hair is a reflection of your overall health and nutrient status. By nourishing the body with vitamins and minerals, ABC juice helps create the building blocks for lustrous, healthy hair.

Carrots and beetroot are great for hair because they provide folate, one of the B complex vitamins. B vitamins play a major role in the health and growth of hair.

Folate (vitamin B9) is especially important, as studies show that deficiency can result in hair loss. Folate helps generate red blood cells, which carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. When folate levels drop, this impairs hair growth.

Beets and carrots also supply vitamin B2 or riboflavin. This is another B vitamin involved in cell growth and red blood cell production. Research indicates that a lack of B2 can negatively affect hair health and lead to hair loss.

The ABC juice trio supports strong, healthy hair growth by ensuring adequate intake of these key B complex vitamins.

The Liver Detoxification Powers of ABC Juice

One of the key mechanisms behind the wide-ranging benefits of ABC juice is its ability to support detoxification. The liver is the body’s main detox center, constantly working to filter out toxins from the bloodstream. ABC juice provides key nutrients that keep liver detoxification functioning optimally.

The vitamin A from carrots and beets helps regulate liver fat levels for improved toxin filtering. The folate in carrots and beets aids the liver in processing toxins for removal from the body.

Apples contain pectin, a type of soluble fiber that binds to toxins in the gut and sweeps them out through the intestines. This removes the pressure off the liver by eliminating toxins before reaching it.


Beets also stimulate phase II liver detox, which involves metabolizing harmful substances into non-toxic molecules that can be easily excreted. With enhanced detox powers, the liver can easily manage environmental pollutants, drugs, excess hormones, and other toxins.

By supporting the liver, ABC juice has a cleansing effect on the entire body. Toxins are reduced, organ function improves, and health thrives.

The Weight Loss Potential of ABC Juice

Many people find that making ABC juice a part of their morning routine helps with losing weight. There are a few reasons why this juice promotes a healthy body composition:

– Apples, carrots, and beets provide nutrients like vitamin C that are crucial for a properly functioning metabolism. A revved-up metabolism makes it easier to shed unwanted pounds.

– The fiber in apples helps improve satiety after drinking ABC juice. This leads to consuming fewer calories from other sources. Fiber also feeds healthy gut bacteria tied to weight management.

– Hydration from the juice optimizes digestion and may prevent fluid retention. Proper digestion and reduced bloating create a slimmer silhouette.

– The nutrients in the juice reduce inflammation, which is linked to obesity and metabolic disorders. The antioxidants also combat oxidative stress that can interfere with fat-burning.

– Drinking vegetable juice before meals has been shown to reduce energy intake during meals moderately. Substituting ABC juice for higher-calorie beverages can help create a calorie deficit.

While no single food can magically induce weight loss, ABC juice contains many properties to help support a healthy body weight when combined with an overall balanced diet.

The Best Time to Drink ABC Juice

To receive the maximum health punch from ABC juice, most nutritionists recommend drinking it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Here’s why this timing is beneficial:

– Drinking the juice when you wake up hydrates and provides a nutritious boost after the body has gone without food all night.

– The nutrients and antioxidants are absorbed optimally when the body’s digestive system isn’t bogged down with other foods or beverages.

– The energy, liver detoxification, and metabolism-boosting effects help to kickstart your system in the morning. This sets the stage for enhanced health all day long.

– Early morning is ideal for supporting circadian rhythms which control our sleep-wake cycles and many biological processes. Nutrients absorbed at this time help synchronize circadian function.

Drinking ABC juice on an empty stomach 30-60 minutes before breakfast is an easy way to establish a healthy morning ritual. However, you can still gain benefits from drinking it at any time of day. Listen to your own body to see when it feels best.

How to Make ABC Juice at Home

It’s easy to whip up a batch of ABC juice at home with minimal equipment required. Here is a simple recipe:


– 2 medium apples

– 2 medium carrots

– 1 small beet

– 1 inch ginger root

– 1⁄2 lemon


1. Wash all produce thoroughly.

2. Chop the apples and beet into quarters or smaller pieces to fit through your juicer feed tube. Peel the carrots, ginger, and lemon.

3. Run the apples, carrots, beet, ginger, and lemon through a juicer. Mix the ingredients as you go.

4. Drink immediately or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

For maximum nutrition, drink as soon as possible after juicing. You can play around with the proportions to adjust the flavor based on your tastes. Many people find a 2:2:1 ratio works well for apples, carrots, and beets.

Add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg to enhance the flavor. Dilute with a bit of water if you find it too strong. You can also substitute with other veggies like celery if desired.

The Best Juicers for ABC Juice

Not all juicers are created equal when extracting the most nutrients from fruits and vegetables. Here are the best types of juicers for ABC juice:

Masticating juicers: Also known as slow or cold-press juicers, these crush and press out juice through a screw-like auger. The slower grinding process maximizes nutrient retention. They tend to yield more juice from beets and greens.

Twin gear juicers: A special type of masticating juicer with two interlocking gears that power through produce. Twin gears give high-quality, highly nutritious juice.

Centrifugal ejection juicers use a rapidly spinning grate basket and centrifugal force to separate the juice from the pulp. It is fast and convenient for frequent juicing but may degrade nutrients more.

Opt for a masticating or twin-gear juicer from ABC juice to get the most bang for your buck. But any juicer is better than none at all!

The Joy and Consistency of Juicing

Juicing isn’t the easiest habit to maintain in our busy lives. The prep work, cleanup, and need to consume produce quickly can be deterrents. The secret is keeping things simple with minimal ingredients and finding a juicing ritual that fits your schedule naturally.

I like to prep my apples, carrots, and beets the night before. Then, in the morning, I have to toss them in the juicer, and I have a nutritious glass of ABC juice in minutes.

Clean-up is easier when you rinse pulp off the juicing parts right away before drying. I find juicing easiest on weekend mornings when I’m not rushed. But even a quick weeknight juicing session is better than nothing.


Consider doing biweekly juicing batches where you make larger quantities to drink over a few days. You can also mix up the veggie combinations – ABC is another great option.

Stick with it long enough to make juicing a habit; you may find those health benefits hard to live without. Staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet alongside juicing is also key.

The Verdict: My Life Now as an ABC Juice Devotee

I never would have thought a humble trifecta of apple, beetroot, and carrot could profoundly impact my health. But the proof was in the juice, and now my daily glass of ABC is non-negotiable.

My energy levels stay sky-high, my skin looks flawless, and I hardly ever get sick anymore. When I fall off the ABC juice wagon for more than a few days, I notice the difference.

While it requires some commitment to shop for produce and clean the juicer, I value it even more by dedicating time to creating my ABC juice. Knowing exactly what’s going into that glass and all the goodness it contains makes it feel special.

ABC juice will likely taste less indulgent than my vanilla latte addiction. But the feeling of vibrancy it gives me – both inside and out – is infinitely more satisfying. I’m hooked on juice for life.

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