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Early Socialization of Children: Curiosity, Balance & Security




Have you ever thought about why each nationality has its character traits? The French are independent, Americans are tolerant, Italians are emotional and very tactile, etc., as in most EU countries, parents pay a lot of attention to the early socialization of children! It is the process during which children are introduced to societal norms, values​​, and culture. Means of socialization include family, school, friends, religious institutions, media, etc. By socializing, the child learns how to behave considering other people’s needs. Playing together is only a small part of this process.

However, the role of parents and the closeness of their contact with their children is decisive. Parents, for whom there are no objectionable topics, strive not to control but to help their children distinguish bad from good and instill in them adult life values ​​and norms. According to a national survey from C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, conducted by the University of Michigan, 1 in 4 parents talk to their child about gambling, sex, and drugs. Psychologists and educators consider this an adequate approach. For example, iGaming is very popular today – the best Canadian Gamblorium online casinos offer many games, bonuses, and good chances to win a big jackpot. So, some parents are confident that the earlier a child gets acquainted with the world of games, the more resistant he/she will be to the development of gambling addiction.

The Importance of Early Socialization

Socialization is more than just getting along well with your peers. It includes the ability to build relationships with others while remaining oneself. Children who begin socializing from 1-2 years old can feel dignified and confident in unfamiliar company. They also communicate well with people of different ages, cultures, and backgrounds. They will certainly be able to converse on any topic with any interlocutor.


For example, the French are characterized by early socialization and independence of children. Many French women are forced to go to work early, and French nurseries are ready to accept babies at the age of 2-3 months. Despite care and love, parents demand discipline and 100% obedience from their children. Parents do not pay attention to minor pranks but are deprived of entertainment, gifts, or sweets for major offenses. Indeed, European children are very obedient, calm, and independent.

Meanwhile, Americans have qualities that easily give them away in a crowd. Their inner freedom coexists peacefully with political correctness and strict adherence to the letter of the law. The desire to be closer to the child, delve into problems, and be interested in successes are the most important aspects of the life of American parents. From an early age, a child is taught tolerance. A clear advantage of the American socialization system is informality and the desire to emphasize practical knowledge. However, moderation is also important here. In general, moderation is important in any activity. Thus, answering the question about the casino’s winning guarantees, Nodar Giorgadze says it is more important to ensure emotional stability against losses. Legal casino operators guarantee payment in case of winning. However, it is vital to manage your emotions when you fail.

Experts consider dialogic communication to be the optimal socialization experience. It helps maintain harmony in any type of relationship. This is equal interaction, in which we manage all communication issues—distance, position, and space—and try to build a constructive dialogue between interlocutors. Moreover, socialization teaches children to accept that the world is different. This is about different behavior patterns and characteristics of people (physical, genetic, behavioral, etc.).

At What Age Does A Child Need Socialization?

First, many of us focus on how our children should communicate with peers. But it is just as important for children to be around older and younger ones. So, when to start socialization? Children have a natural tendency to become more inward-focused at a young age. Of course, they all are different, but up to a certain age, they are selfish, and it’s quite natural. This is their genetic program. The child is very focused on his/her work of growing up.

Socialization at any age is good, but your expectations as an adult should vary at different stages. For example, you go with your 3-4-year-old child to the playground. Don’t expect him/her to start connecting with other kids, becoming friends, etc. Maybe this is not what he/she is interested in right now.


Therefore, parents should expect diverse behavior from children of different ages. Returning to the original question – there is no single answer here, as all children are different. Perhaps your 3-year-old child wants to make friends, but your neighbor’s 4-year-old child wants to solve puzzles alone. Nevertheless, these socialization stages require adult involvement and acceptance in both cases.

Successful Socialization of Your Child Depends Largely on You!

If you notice that your child is avoiding/shy of peers, there may be many reasons for this. First, children at an early age are focused on themselves and their relationships with their parents. If you are trying to connect one child with another, it can be confusing for them. Secondly, maybe the child is simply not interested.

Try not to pay attention to other people’s children. Better make sure your child is comfortable. This way, he/she will receive an organic environment for successful socialization. We are evolutionarily equipped with mechanisms that allow us to contact other people. So, as an adult, don’t try to control the natural state of things too much. Children often tend to socialize on their own in preschool age. Work to create an environment where your children can interact with other kids independently.

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