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The Leading 5 Medical Benefits of Getting a Tummy Tuck




A tummy tuck is most famous for its aesthetic benefits because it can tighten stomach muscles and eliminate excess fat aside from having a Weight Loss Surgery. The procedure, also known as abdominoplasty, is a top choice for many people who want to tone their stomach after significant weight loss or pregnancy.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons statistics report, 97,988 tummy tucks were performed in 2020. The report mentions that it was one of the top body contouring techniques embraced after massive weight loss. Although most candidates choose this procedure to meet aesthetic goals, did you know that getting a tummy tuck has medical benefits?

Improves Posture & Strengthens Core

After multiple pregnancies or significant weight loss, the muscles in your abdomen might feel weaker. A tummy tuck procedure can strengthen your abdominal muscles while removing excess skin and fat to tone the abdomen. 

When your abdomen muscles are weak, you may notice that your posture isn’t correct and can be associated with lordosis or a tilted back. Many people notice that an abdominoplasty improves their posture due to the tightened muscles that provide spine support.

Reduces Back Pain

Weak stomach muscles or bad posture can also result in back pain. A tummy tuck can relieve the pain if you experience back pain due to weak muscles caused by childbirth or weight loss. Since a tummy tuck tightens weakened muscles, your abdominal area receives more support, alleviating back pain. 

It is important to note that a tummy tuck is not a method of relieving back pain caused by aging or other factors. It is beneficial if the pain occurs due to weakened muscles.

Corrects Ventral Hernia

A ventral hernia forms when a weak spot in the abdomen tissue or organ, such as an intestine, breaks through your abdomen wall to create a gap or pouch. The most common cause of a hernia is a combination of pressure and an opening or weakness of muscle or fascia. It may develop after an appendectomy, cesarean section, or abdominal weakness from extreme weight loss and can be painful or uncomfortable.

A tummy tuck can correct a ventral hernia by strengthening the abdominal muscles to reduce pressure on your skin and prevent it from occurring again.

Relieves Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) refers to the unintentional urine leak due to sudden pressure on the bladder. It can occur during physical movements, such as laughing, sneezing, running, or heavy lifting. Although there are non-surgical methods to treat this condition, a tummy tuck can help relieve SUI, especially in patients who developed it due to childbirth.

A slight bladder obstruction is created during the tummy tuck procedure using soft tissue near the pelvic area, reducing incontinence.

Minimizes Risk for Certain Medical Conditions 

Excess skin and fat in the abdomen can result in frequent infections and pain. It can pose physical challenges, making it difficult to exercise comfortably. Lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, heart problems, and other medical concerns. Removing the excess skin with a tummy tuck can minimize the risk of developing medical conditions in the future.

There are many benefits of getting a tummy tuck. Whether you want to meet your aesthetic goals or retrieve one of the many medical benefits of the procedure, consult a licensed medical provider to get the procedure done safely.

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