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Cons and Pros of Electronic Cards




Recently, our lives are increasingly dependent on electronic devices. We perform banking operations via smartphones, make purchases, store all documents and data. Innovations have also touched medicine. Lms development company creates electronic medical record systems. They cover patient treatment, administration, reports, both clinical and financial. Systems for medical institutions can vary greatly. Today we will talk about their cons and pros.

Pros of Electronic Medical Records

Many of us are familiar with paper medical records that contain information about doctor visits, test results, examinations, etc. This is the history and all the information about one’s health. Now, imagine that such a paper record is lost. How would you recover the information, and is it even possible? How much does the risk of a misdiagnosis increase without knowledge of the medical history? However, data storage reliability is not the only advantage of such records. Medical institutions are transitioning to a new level of service by using them.


The staff of a medical center or clinic spends a huge amount of time searching and sorting paper medical documents. Even if the administration has managed to develop an optimal method of systematizing and storing documents, the human factor cannot be eliminated. Someone misplaced a patient’s record, and one employee is out of the workflow, spending time searching for it.

Information on an electronic record can be accessed instantly. An organization’s employee with access to such data can find the record in the electronic archive with just a few clicks. This significantly simplifies and speeds up work, and even contributes to reduction in force.

Patient satisfaction

Patients undoubtedly find it convenient to use electronic records. They have access to their medical data, can check test results, examinations, and there is no need to decipher a doctor’s illegible handwriting.

Information exchange

Different departments within a clinic and even organizations in the medical field can exchange information quickly and efficiently, which is vital in some cases. Laboratory test results, X-ray interpretations, ultrasound examination data — all of this information goes into a unified information field, allowing the attending physician to work with these materials.


One of the key advantages of electronic record systems is that they are developed individually for each customer. Medical institutions have different profiles, work volumes, and specific requirements, so creating an optimal unique system will be beneficial not only for the organization itself but also for its patients.

In the interest of fairness, let’s talk about the drawbacks of such systems and records.

Cons of Electronic Medical Cards

МWe must understand that like any electronic system, this can become a target for malicious actors. Leading companies in the development of such platforms provide multi-level protection. Electronic data is more secure than data entered on a paper record, which can be easily stolen.


What are the drawbacks of electronic record systems for medical institutions

  • Technical issues. Specific equipment with precise technical specifications is required for implementation;
  • Cost. The development and implementation can be quite expensive;
  • Staff training. Some time will need to be spent on training employees.

So, we see that the advantages of implementing an electronic record system far outweigh the disadvantages. And there are no drawbacks that cannot be overcome.

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