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How to Use Your Calendar to Increase Productivity and Achieve Big Goals



How to Use Your Calendar to Increase Productivity and Achieve Big Goals

Are you tired of not accomplishing your goals or being unproductive at work?  Are you tired of finishing things at the last minute for every project you have? You might have tried many systems and they just do not seem to work. 

You may have noticed your peers excelling and getting things done although they have the same amount of hours as you do in a day. Fortunately, there is a great system which may help improve your productivity.

One of the primary reasons why individuals are not productive is because they are constantly interrupted or feel overwhelmed by the goal/task they need to accomplish. The feeling of being overwhelmed causes projects to be postponed until right before the final due date. To avoid this feeling, you must try and break the project into multiple sub-tasks. For example, if you need to repair a fence in your backyard, this can be broken up into the following tasks:

  1. Buy materials for fence repair
  2. Remove damaged fence parts
  3. Replace fence parts
  4. Paint fence

The overall project should be broken down into mini-tasks to make this more manageable. Although this process will make a project less overwhelming, it still misses another important point, which is getting interrupted by other higher-priority tasks. Therefore, it is important to write these down on a paper or on your phone or computer.  

Many productivity specialists say that writing down your goals will make it more likely that you will accomplish them. I have written down goals before and failed to accomplish anything. At work, I was behind on projects and getting interrupted constantly – it happens sometimes.

After much investigation, I realized that I was missing a core element and that was a reminder system.  I could write down my goals and put them on my computer but if I did not check them, the lists would be useless. 

Fortunately, the solution to this problem was at my fingertips. I decided to take these lists and add them to my calendar on my phone. I would dedicate at least a 30-minute block to the tasks I wanted to do and set a reminder time at least 5 minutes before the task. Start your day doing this and block off all the hours in your day on your phone’s calendar. If you get interrupted, you can simply move tasks to other time blocks.

You can also combine it with the Pomodoro technique to increase your productivity along with your accountability that will come with setting up the reminder.

Why does this work? 

How to Use Your Calendar to Increase Productivity and Achieve Big Goals

This works because you are telling your mind that you need to work on a task during this time period.  The reminder from your phone/computer reinforces this and allows you to focus. Paper-based systems failed for me because I did not analyse the tasks I had written down. As soon as a higher-priority task came up, I did not accomplish what I wrote down. Instead of relying on myself to do it , the phone’s calendar does it for me.

It also gives me a sense of accountability, because I know that I am supposed to do the said things in the determined time block or else everything else will also suffer. It works like a pang of mini guilt for me. It also gives you deadlines to complete your work, nothing works better at making you feel accountable than a deadline. 


Breaking down big goals into smaller goals is something that almost all of us know. It is one of the basic steps that anyone mentions when they take about achieving your goals. But, sticking to accomplishing to those smaller goals to achieve the bigger one is where people fail. This is one of the simplest ways to hold yourself up to the completion of the task.

Creating a sense of accountability is very important. When we feel responsible for something, we tend to be more serious about it. Written goals make us accountable and constant reminders keep us on our toes, making us answerable to ourselves.

If you are tired of writing tasks down or wanting to do major projects and not getting anything done, then you may want to try breaking apart major tasks and add these tasks to your phone. You may find yourself accomplishing things you never imagined!

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