These betterthiscosmos posts illuminate Jupiter’s wisdom. Noble Archer, as the Sun continues through your sign while Mercury begins its retrograde shadow, you enter a week where...
This betterthiscosmos post weaves Pluto’s transformative truth. Intense one, as your rulers Mars and Pluto exchange energy while Venus and Mars separate from their recent conjunction...
This betterthiscosmos post channels Venus’s grace through time. Graceful balancer, as your ruler Venus moves through Scorpio’s depths following her dance with Mars, while Mercury prepares...
These betterthiscosmos posts by betterthisworld reveal Mercury’s precision. Detail-weaver of the zodiac, as your ruler Mercury begins its retrograde shadow while planets gather in your communication...
This betterthiscosmos post channels solar wisdom. Radiant one, as your ruler the Sun continues through fiery Sagittarius while Mercury begins its retrograde shadow, you enter a...
The betterthiscosmos posts illuminate lunar wisdom. Intuitive navigator, as your ruling Moon flows through her phases while Mercury begins its retrograde shadow, you enter a week...
This betterthiscosmos post weaves Mercury’s reflective wisdom. Swift messenger, as your ruler Mercury begins its retrograde shadow while Mars and Venus settle into their post-conjunction phase,...
These betterthiscosmos posts by betterthisworld channel Venus’s wisdom. Steadfast one, as your ruler Venus moves through Scorpio’s depths following her dance with Mars, while Mercury enters...
This betterthiscosmos post reveals Mars’ deepening wisdom. Mighty Ram, as your ruler Mars moves through Scorpio’s depths in the wake of its Venus conjunction while Mercury...
This betterthiscosmos post weaves Neptune’s mystic vision. Mystical navigator, as your rulers Neptune and Jupiter exchange harmonious energy while Mars and Venus unite in fellow water...