The betterthiscosmos post weaves lunar wisdom. Intuitive navigator, as your ruling Moon flows through her phases during Mercury retrograde and Winter Solstice, you enter a week...
This betterthiscosmos post channels Mercury’s retrograde wisdom. Swift messenger, as your ruler Mercury moves backward through Capricorn during the Winter Solstice, you enter a week where...
These betterthiscosmos posts by betterthisworld reveal Venus’s depth. Steadfast one, as your ruler Venus moves through Scorpio while Mercury retrogrades during the Winter Solstice, you enter...
This betterthiscosmos post reveals Mars’ winter wisdom. Mighty Ram, as your ruler Mars moves through Scorpio while Mercury retrogrades during Capricorn season, you enter a week...
This betterthiscosmos post channels Neptune’s sacred vision. Mystical navigator, as your rulers Neptune and Jupiter exchange harmonious energy while Mercury stations retrograde, you enter a week...
These betterthiscosmos posts illuminate quantum wisdom. Revolutionary one, as your rulers Uranus and Saturn exchange energy while Mercury stations retrograde, you enter a week where innovative...
This betterthiscosmos post reveals Saturn’s timeless truth. Master Builder, as Mercury stations retrograde in your sign while the Sun prepares to enter Capricorn, you enter a...
These betterthiscosmos posts by betterthisworld reveal Jupiter’s wisdom. Noble Archer, as the Sun concludes its journey through your sign while Mercury stations retrograde, you enter a...
This betterthiscosmos post weaves Pluto’s retrograde truth. Intense one, as your rulers Mars and Pluto exchange energy while Mercury stations retrograde, you enter a week where...
This betterthiscosmos post channels Venus’s reflective grace. Harmonious one, as your ruler Venus moves through Scorpio while Mercury stations retrograde, you enter a week where values...