A betterthiscosmos posts celestial transmission from the plutonian realms Mysterious Scorpio, as Pluto, your modern ruler, traces its transformative path through the cosmic depths, you enter...
A betterthiscosmos update channeled from Venus’s ethereal realm Graceful Libra, as Venus, your celestial sovereign, pirouettes through the crystalline spheres, you enter a week of extraordinary...
A betterthiscosmos posts mystical transmission from Mercury’s domain Precious Virgo, as Mercury, your celestial guardian, traces its elegant path through the cosmic gardens, you enter a...
A betterthiscosmos posts divine transmission from the solar realms Majestic Leo, as the Sun, your celestial regent, traces its golden path through the ethereal spheres, you...
A betterthiscosmos post celestial transmission from the lunar realms Beloved Child of the Moon, as your celestial ruler Luna traces her silver path through the cosmic...
A betterthiscosmos posts celestial transmission for the ethereal twins Dearest Gemini, as Mercury, your celestial regent, pirouettes through the crystalline spheres, you enter a week of...
A betterthiscosmos posts by betterthisworld celestial revelation Beloved Taurus, as Venus, your celestial ruler, traces her elegant path through the crystalline sphere of the fixed stars,...
A betterthiscosmos post by betterthisworld special astrological forecast Dear Aries, as Mars, your ruling planet, dances through the celestial sphere this week, you stand at the...