
Which of These 9 Types Of Intelligent Are You?



When we talk about intelligence, most of the time it’s on linear terms. Either someone is intelligent or they aren’t. 

What some people refer to when they talk about intelligence, is academic prowess. “She’s very intelligent, always at the top of her class.” Other times, they refer to quick-mindedness or wit. “He always has a response to everything, quite an intelligent man!” 

There is no general consensus on what intelligence actually refers to. Then comes along the question of origin. Where does intelligence come from? Is it genetic; are you born with it? Or do you become intelligent because of your circumstances, such as going to a good school?

Psychology answers these questions in a few different theories. My favorite one is by the American developmental psychologist Howard Gardner. It’s called the Multiple Intelligence Theory. Gardner talks about how multifaceted intelligence really is, and how it interplays with what we consider to be ‘talents’.

Gardner introduced 9 types of intelligence. Most people have all types of intelligence in them, but at varying degrees. That means you’ll have some amount of intellectual capacity of all 9 types, but may be strongest in only one or two. 

You can do a quiz to find out which type of intelligence you are, and then come back here and read up about your type of intelligence.

Let’s find out about the different types! 

Understanding your type of intelligence can greatly help in self-awareness of your strengths and weaknesses and also with career choice!

Visual-Spatial Intelligence

People strong in visual-spatial intelligence are great with visualizing concepts. They also tend to have a good sense of direction. 

Architects, Artists, and Navigators score high on Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence

People with this kind of intelligence have an affinity for words. They’re able to use language effectively for communication and tend to be comfortable with the written and spoken word.

Teachers, Writers, Lawyers are all high on Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You have strong Logical-Mathematical Intelligence if you’re great at handling logical operations and have always been good at Math! These individuals have a strong analytical brain and are great at problem-solving.

They’re also interested in research and empirical data. That’s why you’ll find Engineers, Scientists, Mathematicians all high in Logical-Mathematical Intelligence. 


People scoring high in this kind of intelligence are said to have strong dexterity and motor skills. Their proficiency lies in tactile actions. They tend to be good at sports, dance, and other activities that require the brain to be fine-tuned to the body’s movements.  

They’re also great at learning things through doing rather than reading or hearing about it. That means that they learn through experiences, kinesthetically. 

Actors, Dancers, Sculptors, are all examples of professions that would require high levels of Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence. 

Musical Intelligence

Yes, Music is an intelligence too! We think of it as just a talent, but it’s definitely an intellectual capacity. People who have music intelligence show proficiency for playing musical instruments from a young age as well as a deep understanding of rhythm and melody. 

They’re also great at remembering tunes and picking up musical patterns. They’re best at learning something if they attach a melody to it. Miley Cyrus and the Bone Dance episode — we’re looking at you!

Music intelligence is found in a wide range of musical careers, from composers to producers and artists. 

Interpersonal Intelligence

You’ve probably used the term interpersonal skills at a job interview, thinking it just means you get along with people. It’s also a form of intelligence, according to Gardner, and is much more than being extraverted. 

Somebody with strong interpersonal intelligence doesn’t just get along with everyone, they also instinctively understand human emotions. They are able to identify and relate to almost anybody, and ‘speak the language’ of human emotions fluently. This means they can recognize someone else’s emotions and take it a step further by manipulating it (for better or worse!) 

They intuitively know the motives, intentions, and desires of the people they interact with. 

Great career options for people high in interpersonal intelligence are Psychologists, Counselors, Salespeople, or Politicians!

Intrapersonal Intelligence

While Interpersonal Intelligence was all about understanding other people, Intrapersonal Intelligence is all about truly understanding yourself and being in tune with your own emotions, desires, and intentions. 

They have a high level of self-awareness and are able to accomplish success in life by truly knowing themselves. They are able to spend time day-dreaming and introspecting, and can feel enriched with quality alone time.

Philosophers, Writers, Scientists all have great intrapersonal intelligence since they are able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and hone their skills for greater achievements. 

Naturalistic Intelligence

Simply put, if someone has a green thumb, they would score well in Naturalistic Intelligence. However, there is also much more than that. People with high intelligence in this category are able to be in tune with nature and have an affinity for nurturing and devoting time to other species. 

It explains why some people have a burning passion for environmentalism and deeply care about animals and nature while others have no capacity for it at all. 

They’re excellent at identifying patterns in nature and understanding the different ways that other species ‘communicate’. 

Unsurprisingly, people with high naturalistic intelligence are Farmers, Gardeners, and Botanists. 

Existential Intelligence

People with existential intelligence have the capacity to devote their life to deal with the abstract and the intangible. They’re in tune with the spiritual realm and can spend time pondering concepts about the universe and religion. 

Religious leaders, philosophers, astrologists all have very high existential intelligence. They have the ability to ‘look at the bigger picture’ for most of their life without getting bogged down by the nitty-gritties of the everyday. 


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