Self Improvement

7 Tips To Recreate Your Life In 3 Months And Change Your Destiny



Do you feel disappointed by a lack of achievement in your life? If so, it is time to start looking at your daily habits and choices, and start working on it. Most people are unable to do anything great in life not because they don’t have the talent for it, but because their behavior and mindset tend to pull them back into an average existence. Today, we will look at a few tips which can help you overcome these negative tendencies while developing new habits that will recreate your life in as little as three months. 

1. Sleep and Wake Up Early

The first habit you have to cultivate is to sleep and wake up early. Unfortunately, today’s culture is more focused on sleeping late and rising early, which essentially means that you won’t get a good enough sleep that your body demands. A few others sleep and wake up late, which is even worse. In order to be successful, you have to make it a habit to wake up early, preferably around 5:30 AM to 6 AM in the morning. This gives you a head start and you can accomplish a lot by 9am, which is when most people start their day. Anything later than that is not recommended. You can use the initial hours for exercise, meditation, writing, and planning, that will help you remain active and focused all day long. You will also be in a better mood and will feel less irritated, which will result in better decisions at work or in personal life.

2. Set Goals

Just as driving your car without knowing the right destination only leads to waste of time and fuel, living your life without knowing exactly what you want to achieve will only result in wasting time and energy. Time is precious – you may believe you have enough especially if you’re young; but in fact, you do not. If you want to change your destiny, you must be sure of two things – where you currently are, and where you want to be. 

If you have a habit of taking up a bunch of tasks and finishing them up randomly as you wish, then you should start developing a more systematic approach. Try to schedule your tasks and finish them based on priority.

Knowing your current position in all honesty will help you understand your capabilities, potentials, and limitations. And once you understand them, you can set up specific goals as to the things you wish to achieve. For example, when you analyze yourself, you might realize that you are very good at presenting ideas and concepts. As such, you may come up with an idea of starting a YouTube channel where you can teach viewers about some cool concepts. Writing down your goals gives you the extra motivation to go after them.

3. Schedule Tasks

If you have a habit of taking up a bunch of tasks and finishing them up randomly as you wish, then you should start developing a more systematic approach. Try to schedule your tasks and finish them based on priority. This will not only help save time, but you can also use the extra time for other constructive purposes. For example, suppose that you have to finish up a work report by the weekend. But in the meantime, you also want to binge watch your favorite TV show and also visit the nearby trade fair. Now, of all these three activities, finishing the work report is of paramount importance. So, make sure to complete it first. 

Most people are unable to do anything great in life not because they don’t have the talent for it, but because their behavior and mindset tend to pull them back into an average existence.

Then, you can visit the fair since it might be there only for a few more days. Finally, you can watch the show if you have any time left. Try to develop this habit of categorizing and scheduling tasks, and you will soon see that your personal and professional life becomes much easier.

4. Be in Good Company

Start developing a wide range of friendships which can benefit you mentally and psychologically. The psychological development of a person is not only affected by how they think but also by how the people they associate with think. Someone who is constantly in a group where everyone indulges in partying and spends less time studying is very likely to adopt similar behaviors. Likewise, someone whose peers give importance to studying over partying will also see their own drive to study increase. After all, it is normal for people to want to do exactly what their friends do. Even in older ages. And this is why the company you keep is important. Try to spend time with people who are ambitious, driven, and are dreamers who aim to do something productive with their lives. Over time, you will see that your drive to achieve something will also be higher.

5. Acquire Knowledge

One of the cornerstones of success is the acquisition of knowledge. Look at every successful person in the world, and you will see that they have a large knowledge base about many things and a thirst for more. Their knowledge is not just limited to a particular field of expertise, but stretches into other areas as well. Acquiring knowledge helps broaden your viewpoint of the world, making you think differently. So, start learning about new things from today onwards. Look at subject matters that are hot today and are expected to trend in the future, and begin learning as much as you can about it.

6. Be More Social

If you are the type of person who feels comfortable being by yourself rather than with others, then you need to work on your social skills. Go out and start interacting with people more. Until you do this, your perception of the world will remain skewed and will remain colored by your prejudices. Inevitably, such a person will have a hard time trying to progress in life since people generally tend to associate with those who have a wide social circle than those who keep to themselves. And this will hurt your growth prospects, both at a personal and professional level.

7. Finances

Finally, be sure to manage your finances in a way that you are never in debt. When you get into debt, your entire life will revolve around paying off the debts, which essentially will block you from exploring life fully. So, always create a monthly budget as to how much money you can afford to spend, and make sure you keep your monthly expenses within those limitations. And if you do have debt, then create a plan on how to pay it off in full while restraining yourself from taking on any additional debt. When you eventually become debt-free, you will realize that your life changes – you will have the confidence to try out new things.

Final Thoughts

Changing your destiny or the direction that your life is heading is completely in your hands. When you decide to take the wheels of your life, you make changes for a smooth ride, and these changes are what help you recreate your life the way you want it to be.


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