
Post-COVID: Transformation of work Culture



The environment and situation around us promote us to adapt to change. The epidemic COVID 19 has not just changed the structure of a workplace but also changed the idea of communication between individuals. Technology has become the survival kit for many organizations as they move their offices online. Applications and communication websites such as zoom, slack, Trello have become the organization’s best friends. With the fast-growing online base, the future of companies post-COVID 19, is something that needs to be considered or discussed. Work from home scenario was first seen to be frustrating but now people seem to have become accustomed to it. Hence when they do make the shift from a virtual office to a real-time office, it is sure to transform the meaning of work culture.

Working from the comfort of your bed to a flexible job timing, you log into your meeting this work from home has become the new normal. Companies have been changing the way they function, and it has been a chaotic few months for everyone due to the corona pandemic. This has made virtual offices a reality. Trying to function at times like this has been difficult, the change has been both positive and negative, while also requiring improvements. But, going back to office spaces and resuming work, would include massive changes and adjustment from both parties. Businesses would try to survive with the conditions, while the employees would be trying to adjust to the void that COVID left behind. Going back to work would be defined differently. The definition would include people coming in and out at their preferred timings, as well as for deciding how much time they want to work in proximity with people. This means that people would come into office spaces, but with their own weekly schedule and pace. Therefore a great cultural change would take place for many industries and setups. Working form home includes the dress code of wearing pajamas and thinking of comfort, which would affect the concept of dress codes in office spaces. The idea of comfort would change the dressing culture of organizations. 

The culture of meetings and communication would have a different understanding among the organizations. Working with virtual mode to communicate for so many months meant adapting to it, and has become the most efficient way. The technology in real-time offices would just be a means of connection, and not requiring everyone to be in the same room. Not just this but the idea of meetings all together might be re-evaluated. Commuting ideas or messages would turn into email threads or chat rooms. Presentations could be shared online and interaction between people would remain in these mediums. Meetings defined this way would lead to co-working spaces being promoted by companies for their employees. Hence, the idea of buildings as an office space would change as the organizations would pay for their employees to use such spaces and would cut down on real estate for organizations. This would be different for different sectors of work, but nonetheless the culture of working in an office building would change. 

With business comes, traveling and the idea of the same would truly change. People would be more hesitant to take up traveling, and if they do they would be more careful and take precautions. Paranoia might seep in and travel to other countries would be avoided as much as possible. Further companies might even evolve traveling, by making it online. Organizations would convert meetings in other countries online and it would seem more efficient in terms of cost as well. Post pandemic companies are going to be in a crunch in terms of finance, their idea would be to survive. The ones who adapt to change and shift with time are the ones who survive, but to survive they would try to cut the extra expenses. Survival kit would also incorporate the sacking of employees. Many companies have already started to fire employees due to the sudden downfall of the economy. Various sectors are trying to survive and keep afloat, and making difficult decisions. 

Final Thoughts

Safety being a huge concern during COVID would still remain post-pandemic as well. Individuals are going to be more aware of their surroundings, and their health would be their priorities. So, when they do meet their colleagues, greetings would be different. People would be careful and social distancing would now become a part of their normal behavior. Companies too are going to take more precautions with their employees’ health. Routine check-ups would be very common, and temperatures would be checked when employees enter the buildings. When individuals open the door to enter their office they would not just be greeted by the view of their cubicles. They would also spot sanitizers placed everywhere, and trying to guess who is under the mask. Health care rules would be altered, an employee feeling under the weather would be asked to work from home. The time of the employees is monetized and hence it wouldn’t matter where they work as long as they do the required days work. Work culture would be under construction Post-COVID and only time can tell what the new look truly holds for everyone.


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