
How to Beat Anxiety During Your Class Presentation



We all get nervous before or during a presentation. But how we handle the situation makes the difference. Presentation anxiety can range from minimal pressure to paralyzing fear. Depending on your spectrum, there are various ways to contain these anxieties. Public speaking might not be your forte, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. Sometimes anxiety can stem from poor preparation; other times, it is the fear of large crowds. We have compiled some top tips to help you deal with stress during presentations.

Understand the Subject

Students are usually given discussion topics days before the presentation day to allow for preparation. Therefore, you need to take advantage of the time to read and comprehend the subject. If you get a paper writer to help with the research, ensure you read the work delivered extensively. Then, you will always be confident once you have more profound knowledge of the subject.

Anxiety sometimes stems from the fear that we might miss out on some points or fail to ask answered questions during the presentation. To find answers to questions your listeners might ask. Confidence that you can answer your addressees’ questions can lift your confidence.

Organize Everything Early

After reading and researching, organize points in a way that is easy to understand. Also, prepare all props and everything else needed during a presentation. Finally, take a notebook and briefly describe what you will discuss. The outline should highlight briefly what your exposition’s introduction, body, and conclusion contain. Going back and forth between subtopics can sometimes confuse you, and you may develop anxiety if you feel like the presentation is not in order.

Additionally, visit the presentation venue to check out whether there is any audio-visual presentation equipment. If there are any, ensure you learn how to use them early enough. Fumbling with a projector on the presentation day can lower your confidence.


If you deal with stage fright, practicing the entire exposition before the final day is best. You can call your friends and have them act as addressees as you create the presentation. Practicing will help you familiarize yourself with the idea of addressing an audience. You can also have your friends ask some questions in anticipation of engagement with your listeners. Conducting such dry runs will help you polish areas you are unsure about and will go a long way in heightening your confidence.

Challenge Your Fears

Public speaking may not be everybody’s gift, but you can perfect it over time by challenging your fears. Among the ways you can challenge your fears is by speaking out loud words of affirmation. You can also list your fears and challenge them by identifying good things that can come up from such situations. For example, if you fear addressing a crowd, the best scenario is that your presentation is a success and everybody cheers you.

So you should avoid focusing on the negative things only. Instead, find positive things that might arise when you face your fears. Once you focus on positivity, it will be much easier to carry out your presentation confidently.

Focus on the Presentation Materials and Not Your Audience

Sometimes our audience may not have the friendliest of faces. So once you focus on them, you might pick out one or two people who seem disinterested in the presentation, throwing you off balance. So in as much as maintaining eye contact is essential, sometimes it may work against you if you focus primarily on reading your audience’s reaction.

You can pause in between to read the room; however, it should not affect your delivery. To keep your addressees more engaged, ask them questions and engage them in discussions; that way, you can get more input and support from them.

Don’t Fear Silence

If you go silent during a presentation, do not fret; gather your thoughts and proceed. Chances are, your listeners will probably appreciate the pause since they get to digest the information you have given them. However, it is normal to go blank sometimes during a presentation. If you experience such, breathe in and out to compose yourself and find a resume from where you stopped slowly.

Summing Up

If you can’t find your footing with practice, you can seek therapy from a professional counselor. Presentation often comes with a lot of pressure, but it’s not something you cannot handle. Proper preparation and organization make you realize that presentations are not as complicated as you envisioned. If you are making a presentation for the first time, you can apply the tips above to make it successful.


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