
6 Tips to Save You Time in the Morning




Some of us are simply not morning people. Trying to get yourself organized in the early hours can seem near impossible at times, especially when it involves trying to do a workout, getting ready for work, feeding kids, and getting out the door on time.

But there are plenty of great ways to save time and avoid the panicked rush. From cutting down on the amount of time it takes you to make a coffee to pre-planning the night before, you can start to own your mornings and actually enjoy them.

The key to really saving time in the morning is to first prioritize what is most important to you. Is it getting that early workout in? Is it enjoying your cup of coffee? Is it being able to blow dry your hair?

Whatever your top priorities are should be what you center your morning routine around. This will help you stay focused on your priorities without getting sidetracked. It will also help you figure out what aspects of your morning you can adapt and cut down the time it takes to do.

For example, maybe simply switching to concentrated coffee can help you save time in making your morning brew and ensure it tastes delicious too.

If you want to learn how to save time in the morning, then check out these top tips.

Tip One: Drink Water First

Chances are you have woken up dehydrated. So rather than struggle with feeling groggy, start sipping on water as soon as you wake up. This will help you replenish all the fluids you are lacking and instantly feel more energized. When you have more energy, you will likely find it easier to get up and get going, making you actually look forward to your morning workout rather than procrastinating.

Tip Two: Stop Snoozing

While it is tempting to hit snooze on our alarm, it is one of the biggest culprits of making your morning stressful. Rather than delay starting your day by ten or twenty minutes, you should get up and start going as soon as that alarm rings.

This also means that you should avoid lounging in bed and scrolling through your phone. Instead, wait until the important tasks are done, and you are eating breakfast before checking your emails or social media.

Tip Three: Lay Out Your Clothes the Night Before

If you are someone who is indecisive when it comes to figuring out what to wear, then you should consider picking out your outfit the night before. That way, you are confident in what you want to wear and do not have to waste time putting something together last minute and worry about not having the right socks or bra. Pre-planning your outfits can be a huge time and stress saver.

Tip Four: Prep Your Meals

Similar to prepping your outfit, you should also prep your meals the night before as well. Not only will this help you eat healthier, but it will save you a whole bunch of time making meals in the morning.

For breakfast, consider making overnight oats the night before so that you can simply eat straight out of the fridge. And make enough of your dinner to pack away for lunch the next day too. This small organizational hack will be a game changer in making your mornings way less hectic.

Tip Five: Use Concentrated Coffee

One of the things that take most of us the longest in the morning is making our cup of coffee. Rather than worry about heating the coffee machine up, you can skip the whole brewing process by using concentrated coffee instead. This allows you to instantly pour your espresso shot worth of coffee into your latte or coffee drink of choice. Plus, since you do not have to make your coffee, you equally do not have to waste time cleaning up either.

Tip Six: Have a Timer in the Shower

If you are someone who likes to start the day with a shower, then it can be really easy to lose track of time in there. In fact, it is a great place for many of us to meditate and do our deepest thinking. But all of a sudden, that five-minute shower can turn into a thirty-minute shower. If this happens, then you will find yourself in a rush and behind on the rest of your morning tasks.

To avoid you losing track of time in the shower, consider putting a clock or timer in there. That way, you have to hold yourself accountable and don’t end up wasting precious time.


There are so many great ways to save time in your morning routine. From switching to concentrated coffee to prepping your meals and outfits in advance, you will find your mornings much more enjoyable and a whole lot less stressful.


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