
5 Tips to Achieve a Positive Mindset



A positive mindset can be a gateway to your success. What you focus your energy on, is what manifests. The law of attraction is at play here.

Two very important factors of creating a positive mindset are your mind and your physical environment. You have to balance and work at both of them in such a way that it helps you succeed. If even one of these two things is not at 100%, then your goals will suffer.

A negative physical environment will bring you down no matter how positive your mindset. Every step you take further will be pulled ten steps backward if you are in a place that drains your energy and affects you mentally. Let’s say, your family is not supportive of your work and you work from home. Constant bickering, blaming, and fights have the power to drain your mind of all the energy and creativity you need to get your work done.

You have to get out of that place, change things, anything to change the current situation and add positivity to your life.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

-Will Durant


Here are some tips that will help you do just that. Most of these things don’t exactly need much of your time, but they do need discipline, you have to adopt them in your everyday life.

1. Start your day on a positive note

How you start your day sets the ball rolling for how the rest of your day is going to be. This is why all the positive affirmation exercises have been gaining popularity lately. If you wake up late, cranky, don’t get enough sleep, then you carry that emotion for the rest of the day. This means you start your day on a pessimistic note and let that view cast a shadow over everything else you do.

There are various ways that people use to start their day on a positive note, such as –

  • A gratitude journal – Keeping a gratitude journal and writing in it the first thing in the morning has shown to have positive effects on the mind. Because you consciously make an effort to think of things you appreciate, you make your mind take on a grateful and positive mindset.
  • Talking to yourself in the mirror – No matter how silly it sounds, try saying encouraging words to yourself every morning. You will start noticing a positive change. As soon as you repeat positive reinforcements to your own reflection, you will most probably feel yourself feel light, get a little smile.
  • Meditate – Meditation helps your mind relax and when your mind relaxes it is easier to think positive thoughts. Self-awareness meditation helps you connect more with yourself and helps you understand yourself better. When understanding sets in, it is easier to not keep on criticizing yourself.
  • Breathing exercises – Breathing exercises allow you to take time out for yourself, to focus only on your breathing, to breathe correctly, and also transport to a calm, positive place.

“By celebrating the small stuff and feeling gratitude for it, things you never noticed before will come into focus.”

-Jane Trumbull

2. Keep your focus on good things

Your days are going to be filled with good and bad things, what you focus on takes over your outlook on things. Sometimes it can be difficult to see the silver lining, but no matter how faint the lining is, it is what you should be focusing on. It might not make sense to you sometimes, but it sure helps.

Suppose, you are stuck in traffic, it sure sucks, but you can do nothing about it at that moment so you might as well finish listening to the podcast, audiobook, song you were listening to. If you have to wait for quite some time for an appointment, think of it as an opportunity to catch up on reading or replying to your emails. In most negative situations, you might not have a choice to change them, so instead of focusing on them, find other things you can do or think about what good it can do and go from there.

3. Use your failures to learn and grow

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”

– Denis Waitley

One thing that is constant about learning and getting new experiences is making mistakes. Even the most successful people have made mistakes. Mistakes are one of the best ways to learn and grow. If not for failures, we would never find new and efficient ways to do things.

Instead of focusing on the fact that you failed, think about why you did and what you can do to change it. Keep the lesson in your mind to be used in the future.

4. Use humor to add a touch of lightness


“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.”

– Bill Cosby

Humor is one of the ways people cope up with bad situations. It is one of the powerful tools to use to surround yourself with positivity. One thing that my friend always said in bad situations was to think what a great story your situation will be one day. You will use the time you knew nothing, were in muck or had a horrible experience as a funny story or an inspiring story.

5. Surround yourself with positive people

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours, and you’ll drift in that direction.”

Warren Buffett

“You can not change the people around you. But you can change the people that you choose to be around.”


The people you surround yourself with, leave a more long-lasting effect on you than you would have imagined. This is why it is always advised to surround yourself with people you would like to be like. If there is a person around you who spends his time pointing out everything that could go wrong, then you are going to give in to the pessimism and start doing the same.

Finding positive people to surround yourself with can be difficult, but one thing you can do is cut off the negative people from your life. Let only the positivity seep into your mind.

A positive mindset is a push you need every day to work towards your goals and dreams. Work on yourself so that you can work on your goals. If you are not at your peak, it will show in the work you do. First better yourself then target the goals, it will become much easier to achieve!


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