
3 Things You Can Do to Make Humor a Habit



Have you ever talked to someone and couldn’t stop laughing? It wasn’t them telling a knock-knock joke or making a specific joke, it was just their one-liners in the midst of conversation, some keen observation, and some creative comparisons that had you laughing along.

This – humor – is a quality that helps people put others at ease in their presence. When you are humorous by nature, people are drawn to you. You can easily diffuse a tense situation, you become a people magnet, and you can joke about yourself reeling people in because they can relate. This has high benefits. Not only as a personality trait that helps you in social settings, but being humorous is also beneficial for your personal life, professional life, and health. 

“If you can laugh at yourself, you are going to be fine. If you allow others to laugh with you, you will be great.”

-Martin Niemoller

When people think of improving personal qualities, they usually focus on aspects like beauty, intelligence, confidence, physical strength and so on. Very rarely do people think of developing their sense of humor. This is sad in a way since a good sense of humor can easily make you appear attractive, boost confidence, and make you look overall smarter in front of others. 

So, why not focus on making humor a habit? 

Now that we have looked at how humor can bring about positive changes in your life and the attributes of a humorous person, let’s talk about how to develop a sense of humor so that it becomes your second nature by examining how you can develop a sense of humor and learn to infuse it in your daily life.

Watch Comedy Shows

A good way to develop your humor sense is to watch comedy shows. Make a note of the best comedy shows on TV and online, and be sure to watch at least one episode per day. When you do this for a few months, you will start using some of the jokes you heard in conversations with other people. 

And slowly, you will start creating your own jokes depending on the situation you are in. Make sure that you definitely watch shows that are dependent on taking a funny outlook on current issues. The unique perspective such shows bring to real-world problems will surely make you see the world in the same sarcastic and funny way.

Join a Comedy Class

If you are serious about learning to be a humorous person, consider joining a comedy class. Since they are conducted by professional comedians, they can teach you tips and tricks to train your mind to see the humor in different situations. 

Plus, you will be with a group of people who share the same goal as you – developing their funny side. And being part of a group where you can make a joke without worrying about its failure will definitely give you the confidence to sharpen your humorous side. However, do keep in mind that such courses do not come cheap.

Be Silly Sometimes

“We take ourselves way too seriously, and we don’t take God seriously enough. It is not by accident that humor and humility come from the same root word. If you can laugh at yourself, you’ll always have plenty of good material.”

-Rick Warren

Some people are always serious and extremely wary of doing ‘silly’ things out of fear that it might affect their ‘image’ in front of others. And if you are one of them, then you need to learn to relax and do some silly stuff from time to time. 

Go out and participate in a street dance competition and let yourself loose, or dress up as your favorite superhero and roam the streets. Whatever you do, make sure that you get out of your comfort zone. 

Only then can you develop a humorous side. If you live a restricted life, then you will never be able to acquire the requisite sense of humor. So, start doing and saying some silly things, and you will definitely see life through the eyes of a comedian.

Final Thoughts

“Laughter is a holy thing. It is as sacred as music and silence and solemnity, maybe more sacred. Laughter is like a prayer, like a bridge over which creatures tiptoe to meet each other. Laughter is like mercy; it heals. When you can laugh at yourself, you are free.”

-Ted Loder

Life is a joke, after all. Who knows when things all fall apart? So, why keep tight about it all? Start loosening up, and take life to be something that should be laughed at. When you are with the right people, laughing at situations becomes easier. 

Laughter brings positive vibes in your life, positive vibes attract positive people, which in turn removes negativity from your life. It’s a circle – you need to get the ball rolling to change the bubble of emotions you surround yourself with.


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