Self Improvement

8 Ways to Improve Your Quality of Life



It is a simple fact that life can be challenging. In the world of today, we have a seemingly endless number of tasks to do, and at times, it feels like there are not enough hours in the day to do them. Its quite easy to get overwhelmed by the demands placed on us and to neglect important parts of our life that can contribute to our health, wellbeing, and motivation.

At times, we can also feel like we have lost purpose or a sense of direction and may be unclear about our goals or plans. It is easy to find yourself in a spiral of negative thoughts and emotions when the future seems unclear, or life’s pressures seem too great. These emotions are completely natural and are the effects of stress and uncertainty on the body and mind. Rest assured, however, that by following some of the below advice and guidance, you can regain control of your life, find more purpose, and live a more rewarding existence.

Get regular exercise

The importance of regular exercise cannot be overestimated for a healthy body and mind and a more positive outlook. Firstly, exercise can release endorphins and dopamine in the brain. These are our body’s “feel good” hormones and are typically released after about ten to fifteen minutes of exercise. Most people will be able to relate to feeling in better spirits after a jog, bike ride, or gym session, and it is directly down to the release of these chemicals. Regular exercise has multiple benefits other than making us feel better.

It can help to lower our blood pressure, is a terrific way to keep our weight under control, and can also help us sleep more deeply. In addition, regular exercise can increase our bone density and improves muscle tone. This is of great benefit in later life and can reduce the risk of chronic illnesses such as osteoporosis. Regular exercise can also help us control our blood sugar levels more effectively, thus reducing the risk of diabetes. These are just some of the ways in which regular exercise promotes a healthy body and mind.

If you are new to exercising, consult your doctor first to see what level of exercise is recommended and build up the duration and intensity as you become more used to doing it. Regular exercise is a key ingredient to feeling happier and healthier, so make time for it and your long-term health and day-to-day mood will be improved.

Plan out a flexible career path

It is a fact that the average person will spend approximately 13 years in total at work. This is an enormous amount of your life to be spent in one type of activity, so it makes perfect sense to have a plan for your career and where you want it to lead. Having career goals and five-year plans for where you want to be in your working life gives an enormous sense of purpose and progression when you reach your working milestones.

The sooner you start to decide what you want from your career, the better, as you can start to map out what qualifications and skills you will need to progress in your role. However, with that being said, many people today will work in a specific sector for several years and then find that they need a career change to work in a more rewarding industry. As we get older, our priorities and values can change, so when thinking of a career path, do not necessarily tie yourself to one industry.

For example, imagine that you have a university degree and have gone to work in an office where you focus on business administration. Perhaps after five years of this job, you feel that you need to make more of a difference and have a direct impact on people’s health and wellbeing. You may decide that now is a perfect time to move into the field of Nursing and decide to undertake one of the online accelerated BSN programs to enable you to reach this goal. By moving in this direction, you may find that your career becomes more fulfilling and your job becomes a passion as well as a source of income.

The key point is that you should have career goals and paths in your mind throughout your working life but also recognize that sometimes, a change of direction can be extremely beneficial. Be flexible in your career plans to ensure your working life is an enriching experience.

Stay connected with loved ones

Keeping in regular contact with your family and those close to you is a truly enriching experience. As we get older and our lives change, sometimes, we lose touch with our friends and relatives. It is easy to do in this fast-paced world, but remember that we are social beings who need to have meaningful connections with others to feel connected to the world.

If you have elderly parents, remember to make time in your week for a regular phone call to catch up and talk about what is important in your lives. If your parents are competent with technology, a video call over apps such as Skype or WhatsApp will give you the added benefit of being able to talk face to face and makes for a more satisfying conversation. If you or your partner work long hours or on different working patterns, send each other a quick voice message.

It is more personal than just a quick text message and helps you to keep connected during your working week. Another idea for friends that may have moved away is to set up a group chat for everyone. It is a perfect way to have a meaningful platform of communication and keeps everyone up to date with each other’s life developments. For more tips on staying in touch with loved ones, see here.

Take up a new hobby or learn a new skill

It is all too easy to get home from a grueling day at work and switch on the TV after a quick meal. While it is a comfortable option, it may not be particularly enriching or stimulating. Consider taking up a new hobby; no matter how old you are, you can always learn something new that gives you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. If you are a music lover, why not learn to play a musical instrument? All you need is a passion for music and the patience and dedication to improve.

Whether it be playing guitar or bashing away on your first drum kit, the joy you will get from finally being able to play your favorite bands’ songs is immeasurable. Learning to play an instrument is also a fantastic way to relax and unwind and provides you with a release from the day-to-day stresses. There are an immense number of music tuition sites online for every skill level and instrument. Here are just a few of them. If you are not musically minded but more practical, why not learn a new skill, such as woodworking.

Designing and building anything from bird feeders to a garden shed will give you the satisfaction of having a product for your labors. It is a lovely feeling to watch your creations become finished products, and you will be learning valuable skills as you progress in your DIY competency. Every person should have a skill or hobby that gives enrichment and enjoyment to their free time and provides an opportunity to become proficient in an area that they have passion for.

Cook from fresh

In an age where the pace of life is fast, it can be easy to overlook mealtime as an opportunity to improve our quality of life. While it is easy to grab a microwave meal from the fridge and opt for convenience, it is far more beneficial to cook from fresh and savor the experience. Not only will you be getting a higher nutrition content and fewer artificial additives, but the experience of cooking is a rewarding one. Cooking with your family teaches the children important life skills and is a fantastic opportunity to bond and work together.

Preparing a romantic meal for your partner and enjoying it by candlelight together is a perfect way to show your love for them and make quality time for each other. Aim to cook from fresh wherever possible. If time is a factor, then there is an enormous range of websites that can show you how to make healthy home-cooked meals that can be prepared quickly and with a minimum of fuss. Make home cooking a part of your routine and feel the benefits of better-quality food and the satisfaction of making a delicious dish that is enjoyed by you and those close to you.

Get rid of your household junk

Your home environment should be a comforting place that promotes relaxation and comfort. Most people find that over time various bits and bobs tend to find their way into storage rooms or the loft, only to sit unused for years. Try to rid yourself of those unused items that are taking up unnecessary room and free up more living space. An uncluttered home helps you to relax and work more effectively. This is especially true if you need to work from home and have a home office.

A cluttered environment will make it harder to concentrate and get your tasks completed in a timely manner. Make this space as clean and functional as possible, and you will find that you can concentrate more effectively. If your attic is full of junk, give it a thorough clean out. You may be able to sell or freecycle unwanted items that still have use, and you will be helping to reduce your carbon footprint whilst helping others.

If you find that you can completely free up your attic space, it may be a smart time to consider renovating the attic to make a new bedroom or additional bathroom. This will give you more usable space in your home and will add value to your home.

Connect with nature

It is important to build time into your schedule to get outdoors and enjoy nature. Breathing in fresh air as you go for a walk to the local park helps to relieve stress and takes your mind away from other worries. You can combine getting outdoors with exercise if you go for a bike ride or jog, and you will be getting the benefits of improved fitness along with seeing the natural world.

If you have a family, the weekend is a perfect opportunity to get everyone active. Why not take a trip to the local zoo or nature park? In this modern world, it is far too easy to get caught up on our electronic devices, whether it be streaming the latest series on Netflix or spending hours playing online games. Take a break from technology wherever possible and enjoy the outdoors to benefit both your mind and body. The natural world is truly life-affirming and should be enjoyed frequently.

Try meditation or mindfulness

If you find that your world is full of multitasking and the constant rushing from place to place, take time out to free your mind. Meditation, mindfulness exercises or using tuning forks can take as little as ten minutes to complete, and when done effectively, they can release you from the stress and pressure of modern life.

When your mind focuses on the here and now rather than constantly planning upcoming tasks, you give yourself the freedom to unwind and enjoy the present moment. There are numerous apps that you can find online that promote mindfulness and meditation. By building this into your daily routine, you will find greater clarity in your thoughts and reduced stress levels.

To sum up

The pace of modern living can be frantic at times, especially when we are faced with a multitude of demands on our time. It is easy to become tired and disillusioned when we feel that we cannot achieve everything in a day.

However, by building these eight ideas into your life, you will feel the benefits of improved physical and mental wellbeing and will have more direction and clarity in your working life. Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and by making some positive changes, you can enrich your daily routines and improve your quality of life.


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