Self Improvement

6 Tips to Help You Become an Alpha For Achieving Success



When it comes to self-development for men, the word ‘alpha’ gets thrown around a lot. An alpha mostly refers to the top-most male in a group, the successful one. And becoming an alpha is essentially a process of transforming oneself into a state where you are naturally seen as the ‘best among men’. To help you out in your quest to become an alpha, I list below six simple tips.

1. Confidence, Not Arrogance

Many people tend to confuse being confident as being arrogant when it comes to the topic of alpha behavior. Though it is a false notion, it is understandable why people may think this way. The main reason is that being an alpha is equated with aggressiveness.

And someone who is aggressive also tends to be quite arrogant; always trying to dominate every person and treating others as if they are beneath them. While this can also be called alpha behavior, there is a big difference between an arrogant alpha and a confident alpha.

An arrogant alpha will never get respect from other people. And even if they manage to get any respect, it will fade away as people get fed up with their arrogant ways. In contrast, a confident alpha evokes respect from others. In fact, people will, out of their own free will, choose to follow a confident alpha. And it is this type of alpha that you must aim to become – the confident one, not the arrogant one.

2. Physical Appearance

First, let us be clear about one thing – alpha behavior is not directly linked to your physical appearance like being tall and well built. After all, some of the biggest conquerors in the world, like Alexander, Genghis Khan, and Napoleon, were all pretty average looking people with average or less than average height. Having said that, we must also face the reality that having a good physical appearance does help to cement in your alpha status.

Your height is not something you can improve, but your body is. So, if you have an average body with a slight potbelly, then it is time that you start working on it. Dedicate a few months to intense workouts and diet regimen, and you will be in the best of shape. As a result, you may find that you have a far easier time asserting your ‘alphaness’ than previously. Being in the best shape gives you the confidence to carry yourself with more poise because you feel good about yourself.

3. Body Language

If there is one thing that will scream an alpha attitude, it is your body language. The power of an alpha body language is such that you don’t even have to say a single word for people to perceive you as an alpha. You might even have come across such people in your life – men who just walk into a room and easily get everyone to talk to them with respect even though they themselves haven’t uttered a single word.

Unlike building a muscular body, developing an alpha body language is a far more difficult task. This is mostly because body language works on the subconscious level. Even if you try to fake an alpha body language, your real behavior and attitude will inevitably seep through at some point and reveal to others that you were only faking being an alpha. So, it is better to try and invest some time in developing an alpha body language. By doing so, all your actions will naturally have a sign of ‘alphaness’.

4. Must Have Vast Knowledge

There is a kind of alpha who gains immense respect – the one that knows everything. Such people are almost walking encyclopedias, knowing everything. If you ask them about quantum physics, the best way of cooking chicken, or the right way to install an Android update; they will always have an answer. And the people around them inevitably see them with a certain kind of respect.

So, if you are not the type of guy who likes to spend hours at the gym but is more interested in learning about new things, then this is perfect for you. Read on whatever topics interest you, research them fully, and develop a deep understanding of everything you wish to know. The knowledge you accumulate, over the years, will eventually become the key to being an alpha.  

5. Be Completely Self-Reliant

You must also learn to be self-reliant. This does not mean that you never seek out the help of another person. That is just ridiculously impossible in this world.  Being self-reliant essentially means that you are capable of handling most of your affairs by yourself. If you observe alpha people, you will see that they mostly never depend on other people to perform their tasks. Instead, those who are alpha do everything by themselves.

And by doing so, they project a kind of independence that people will admire. After all, people who are perceived as independent will inevitably gain more respect than those who are seen as dependent. As such, it is essential that you start becoming a more self-reliant human being rather than depending on other people.

6. Develop Leadership Skills

A big characteristic of being an alpha is leadership skills. This is why army generals, business CEOs, political leaders, etc. are always treated by people with a sense of respect. As such, it is imperative that you also develop your leadership skills. If you have been shying away from taking positions of power, then you must overcome that hurdle.

When the next opportunity of being a leader comes your way, accept it and try to do a good job. The first few times might be rough and you may even turn out to be inefficient. But slowly, with experience, you will start to see what it takes to lead and what qualities you must develop and exhibit in order to make people follow you.

When you have naturally entered into such a mindset, you will have developed a strong alpha attitude. You won’t be running away from leadership responsibilities anymore. Instead, you will search for them and naturally position yourself as an alpha.


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