Self Improvement

20 Ways To Organize Your Life Now



Highly organized people use systems and processes that get them the results they want. These systems keep them on the right path without letting temporary setbacks affect them. You too can learn their habits and behaviors and turn your life around in a matter of weeks.

Take the first step toward a happier, more productive life. Organize your life in a way that your lifestyle itself will fuel you to do more and achieve more. By adding and removing certain things that you do, have and surround yourself with, you can begin your journey to a more organized life.

Here are 20 ways to organize your life now.

1. Back-up all your data

You probably store your important documents like images, ebooks, and login credentials on your computer hard drive itself. But they can easily be lost if the drive crashes or if your computer gets stolen. Therefore, it is very important to back-up all your data on the cloud using services like Dropbox or Google Drive.

2. Organize your life by donating used clothes

By donating your old or unused clothes, you not only will create space in your wardrobe but also do something good for others. You can give them away to charity organizations or homeless people in your area. Decluttering your wardrobe will eventually help you declutter your life as well. Marie Kondo’s book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is a must read if you want to adopt a minimalistic lifestyle.

3. Clear your medicine cabinet

Every medicine has an expiration date. You could get into serious trouble by using a medicine that is past its expiry date. A cluttered medicine cabinet is the last thing you want in times of emergency. Medicines should be properly labeled and easy-to-find. Getting rid of medicines that are near expiry is an easy way to organize your life.

4. Clean up regularly

Cleaning up your room every single day will keep harmful germs and bacteria away. An unclean room invites all kinds of pests and insects too. Hence, organize your life by investing in a good vacuum cleaner.

5. Use the recycling bin/trash basket

Don’t throw your trash under the bed or table. Keep a recycling bin or a trash basket in every room of your house. Empty the trash basket every day by throwing its contents in a dumpster near your house.

6. Delegate unimportant tasks

It’s a bad idea to waste your time doing low-value tasks which yield very less output. To organize your life it is important to focus on things that are highly rewarding. So, delegate the unimportant tasks to a virtual assistant or a freelancer. I use Fancy Hands for general tasks and Upwork for specialized ones.

7. Use a money management app

Money management apps like Personal Capital and Mint help people manage their expenses, savings, and investments. You can become financially organized and aware within just a few days after you start using these apps on your phone. They are like your personal financial assistant.

8. Get away from social media

It’s no secret that social media paints a false picture and makes its users feel insecure and unhappy. Regular usage of social media will make you very disappointed in yourself. To get a hang of your life, you first need to have high self-esteem and appreciation for what you have.

9. Sign up for a gym membership

Gyms like Planet Fitness let your workout for mere $10 a month. Plus, most of these gyms have state-of-the-art facilities. Even if you are generally fit, working out will release brain chemicals like endorphins that make your mind more sharper and thoughts clearer.

10. Read every day for at least half an hour

Successful people dedicate more than an hour to reading each day. Reading streamlines your thoughts and gives you a different perspective on life. It is also the quickest way to get rid of negative thoughts and indecisiveness.   

11. Organize your life by going paper-free

In today’s modern world, it is criminal to waste natural resources like paper. Moreover, there is an app available for almost everything. It is easier to organize your life when you have fewer things with you. So, replace paper with an app or apps. I use Things 3 to organize my tasks and projects.

12. Label stored food

Labeling stored food will save you time and energy. Also, you are less likely to pull your hair out in frustration as you won’t have to search the entire kitchen to find a single thing. Put the food items in jars, label them and keep them in a place where you can easily reach them.

13. Clear your credit card debt

Credit card debt can put you in immense stress each day. As a result, you will find ways to escape reality and constantly identify yourself as a victim. So, find clever ways to pay less interest and clear your debt as early as possible.

14. Get rid of toxic people from your life

Staying in the company of the wrong people will never make you feel stable, confident and self-reliant. Every time you attempt to do something good, they will drag you down to their level. Getting rid of toxic and negative people will help you organize your life in an effortless way.

15. Keep a journal

Journaling allows writing without the need to filter your thoughts and feelings. However, to get results fast, you need to make it a daily habit. Journaling apps like Day One and Memento have free versions that are more than sufficient to help you organize your life.

16. Get over the habit of procrastination

Popular self-help author, Mel Robbins says procrastination is always a result of some kind of stress in life. Stress could be due to problems in areas like finance, health, or relationships. So, identify the root cause of your stress and work on it; it’ll eventually make you more productive.

17. Plan your entire day

Without proper planning, it is difficult to get things done on time. Planning your entire day in the morning or the night before allows you the space to think and be free as you already know what the next plan of action is going to be.

18. Keep your sleeping hours fixed

REM sleep is very essential for being productive and alert during the day. You should get at least 8 hours of REM sleep every night. If you work or occupation requires you to stay up at night, get an eye mask and earplugs to help you sleep well during the day. I use Bose’s Noise Masking Sleepbuds. Although a bit expensive, they have been one of my best investments.

19. Be more social

Humans have naturally evolved to thrive when they are surrounded by other humans. Isolation makes you lazy and slothful. Just going out once a day will help you be more positive and upbeat. So, organize your life by being more social and friendly.

20. Get an accountability partner

Having an accountability partner provides you that chip on the shoulder you need to stay on your path. Moreover, you can also share your concerns and issues with them. Try to help your partner as well by giving constructive feedback which can help them be more organized.


Most of the methods or ways mentioned above will have an immediate impact on your life. In my opinion, procrastination and poor personal hygiene are two things that stop people from progressing in life. They also affect self-esteem and eventually makes you disorganized.


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