
6 Ways Gaming Can Make You Happy



When was the last time you played a video game that stirred your emotions till you lost touch with what was going on? Video games have the ability to spice up your boring weekends. Playing video games is not only entertaining but is also good for your physical and mental health. Games like EA Sports Active are designed to get you out of your couch and enjoy your workout while you also get entertained.

I find the social aspect of video games very interesting. There are games which require you to verbally communicate and coordinate with other gamers. This adds a whole new dimension to video gaming as you are no more an asocial dweeb who doesn’t socialize enough with other people. It’s important to always stay social, especially, if you are a naturally introverted person.  

Here are six ways gaming can make you happy and help you live a wholesome life.

1. You get a temporary respite from stress

Stress and anxiety are so prevalent in today’s society that it has become an accepted norm. Everyone has their own way of dealing with it. People are constantly looking for ways of self-expression so that they can connect with other human beings in an authentic way. I guess not being able to express yourself and being too caught up in the mundane daily routine are some of the reasons behind stress in the younger generation.

There are many ways to get a temporary respite from being stressed out. Some people prefer exercising while others play musical instruments. However, there is a certain percentage of people who are big fans of playing video games. Gaming can make you happy and relieve stress in a matter of minutes. Knowingly or unknowingly, their addiction to video games is making them happy.

2. It puts a healthy amount of pressure on you

An Iraqi university studied the effects of the stress created by a video game on players. They were curious to know the mindset of a gamer who is under pressure of winning the game. This is what led them to the realization that playing video games can also reinforce the cognitive elements of gamers. However, it is important to know the type of games that are good for your brain and the ones that are detrimental to your cognitive abilities.

There are 4 main types of genres of video games that are capable of inducing a healthy level of stress in gamers. They 4 genres are Puzzles, Runner games, Fear based games and Excitement causing games. From the above 4 categories, playing Puzzles and Runner games provide immediate benefits like increased concentration, enhanced memory and feeling relaxed. Fear based and Excitement games scare the gamer for a short period and it’s up to the gamer how they interpret the stress.

3. You instantly become a part of a worldwide community

For the last couple of decades, online gaming communities on websites like Reddit have been a lifesaver for kids who grew up as introverted. School life can be tough and create a lot of stress. Even for adults who are in college or are working, the burden of assignments or work can force them to lead a life of loneliness and despair. Playing video games and joining relevant communities online can give them the emotional support they desperately seek.

Gaming can make you happy in ways you cannot conceive.  Imagine going from a fully introverted person to having friends all over the world. I understand that these friends are virtual, but you can meet them in person at gaming meetups and conventions. Having a common hobby and being passionate about it will help you connect with other gamers without putting much effort.

4. You always have something exciting to do

No wonder why people get addicted to video games. I have seen both kids and adults take gaming so seriously as if their life depended on it. Video games can be a great way to spend your weekend afternoons when most of your friends are either resting or busy with their family commitments. Keep in mind that, addiction is a result of letting a single thing take control of your life. Gaming can only make you happy if you indulge in it in moderation.

5. It keeps you healthy as you grow older

Playing video games in moderation is not only beneficial for young people but is also equally good for the elderly. It is no secret that, as you get older, your cognitive abilities begin to decline and your thinking capabilities suffer. This is more likely to happen if you don’t make enough efforts to keep your mind sharp and agile. Your mind is also a muscle. It needs to be exercised regularly or else it becomes weak and fragile.

According to a recent study by the University of Cyprus, playing online video games can have beneficial cognitive effects in older adults. They concluded that the people who play video games in their twilight years have better reaction time, memory, and attention span than other people of the same age group. Furthermore, 3D video games like Angry Birds and Super Mario 3D World can improve their postural balance and muscle strength.

6. Improves your cognitive and emotional skills

Over the last three decades, video games have evolved in a way that nobody had expected. They have changed the way people spend their free time and provided an emotional outlet to those who are unfortunate not to have the social skills to make friends in the real world. According to the Entertainment Software Association, kids are not the only demographic who are interested in playing video games. Males and females in their 30’s are the biggest consumers of the gaming industry.

Gaming can make you happy by making you more smarter and hence win big in all areas of your life. According to a Spanish study, playing video games can improve cognitive and emotional skills in young adults. To come to this conclusion, there were 35 studies done separately and the results were then processed by several Italian and Spanish universities. They considered the effects of both commercial and non-commercial video games.

In Conclusion

There are so many studies providing enough evidence that gaming can make you happy but you should also be aware of the darker side of it. Teenagers in countries like South Korea and Japan are struggling with gaming addiction and there also have been a few deaths because of it. Like every other activity, gaming is beneficial only when you indulge in it with the right mindset.


  1. “The Beneficial or Harmful Effects of Computer Game Stress on … – NCBI.” Accessed June 22, 2019. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6037427/.
  2. “Video Games and Other Online Activities May Improve Health … – NCBI.” Accessed June 22, 2019. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5796895/.


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