
5 Business Essentials for Surviving COVID-19



Chances are that your company didn’t weather the coronavirus storm without suffering considerable losses. If only you had a contingency plan for unprecedented global pandemics…

Of course, nobody did. So, lest we dwell on how we could have prepared for the crisis. What matters now is your response to the challenges that lie ahead. Getting back into business and re-opening smoothly requires tackling unfamiliar problems. It’s crucial that you take the necessary precautions. Read on to learn more. 

Facilitate Remote Work

Are any team members capable of performing their duties from home? The option may not be available to everyone. But for employees who can work remotely, minimizing their on-site presence is a smart move. You’ll need to draw up a policy with procedures and guidelines for working from home. Keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Set clear rules and expectations 
  • Provide the correct hardware and software
  • Use encryption and VPN tools to improve security
  • Identify and implement suitable communication software
  • Perform check-ins to assess the wellbeing of external workers

Stay in Touch

Make sure to send out regular updates on where your business currently stands. Routinely informing staff via emails and company meetings will reduce panic and relieve uncertainty. Discuss the precautions you’re taking to ensure their safety. Keeping employees up-to-speed with rule changes and policies can cut down on training times. 

Prioritize Hygiene

Depending on your industry, there are likely certain regulations that you need to follow when it comes to sanitization. Regardless, you’ll want to set aside a budget for cleaning products – you’ll be using them a lot. Here are some basic steps for every business to take:

  • Increase how often and thoroughly you clean
  • Stock up on sanitizers and disinfectants
  • Ask employees to follow cleaning procedures
  • Request that staff who feel ill stay at home
  • Encourage more frequent hand washing 

Don’t forget about masks and gloves. Customer-facing businesses may have to invest in temperature sensors, as well as products such as the Sneeze Guard EZ to protect employees and give them peace of mind that they’re safe. For custom tips on how you can keep employees safe, consider reaching out to a provider of concierge medicine in Washington. They can recommend strategies, help with Covid-19 policy paperwork, and administer workplace Covid-testing.

Look into Federal Relief

Have you explored your options for government assistance? Numerous initiatives are in place to help small businesses stay afloat. This includes low-interest disaster loans, employer tax credit and income tax deferment. Economic Injury Disaster Loans can be taken out to cover important expenses such as payroll and fixed debts. 

Shift Your Strategy

Now is an ideal time to reconsider how you spend your marketing dollars. If you previously relied on traditional channels, taking a more digital approach can help you save money and expose your business to a larger audience. Aim to cover the basics, including:

  • Setting up social media profiles
  • Building a newsletter mailing list 
  • Creating listings on review platforms
  • Optimizing and refining your own website

The end appears closer than ever, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared. Contact your suppliers, investors, partners and other key stakeholders to learn how you can safeguard your business and stay afloat while COVID-19 makes its way out. Rest-assured that your efforts will pay off in due course.


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