
How to Say NO to Negativity in Life



We don’t want to be pessimists, but many of us are. We naturally try to think of the worst case scenario. We might justify it as trying to prepare for it and trying to protect ourselves from it, but is that really it. Sometimes we use the probable worst case scenarios as excuses to not even try something.

Just deciding that you are going to be positive from now on isn’t going to cut the deal. It isn’t easy to change the pattern of our thinking, just like that. Before completely implementing positive lifestyle, it is important to get rid of the negativity in our lives. Like being positive isn’t as easy as flipping a switch, getting rid of negativity is the same. You have to start by focusing on decreasing the negativity.

Set realistic goals

A lot of negativity that we surround ourselves and our goals with stems from not setting realistic goals. I used to do that. I used to set really high goals for myself and then feel bad when I couldn’t achieve them. The reason for setting those goals was that I wanted to do more. If I set easy goals that I knew I would be able to achieve easily, I would feel like I wasn’t working hard enough.

Unless I was rushing to complete my goals, I didn’t feel like I was working hard enough. That is the problem here. We are too hard on ourselves when it comes to actually working on our dreams. Just because you are not rushing or are at a comfortable pace doesn’t mean you aren’t doing enough. The goal is to be productive with your days, not busy every minute of the hour.

Even if it seems like you aren’t doing the most, start by setting simpler smaller goals. Once you achieve them, you can always go on adding. This will also give you a constant sense of accomplishment, which gives way to positive feelings.

See problems as nothing more than challenges

When you see problems as problems, you give them the power to dictate your stance, but when you see them as challenges, you give yourself the power to dictate it. Challenges gear our brains to find a solution to solve them. Remember how you attempt to solve brain teasers, even if it is for a few minutes?

That’s how it works. If you see it as something that has to be solved rather than something that is creating a hindrance in your path, you are more likely to take it up heads on. When you can put all you have into changing an otherwise unfavorable situation, it makes you feel more exhilarated and gives you the confidence to face the difficulties.

Don’t give “NO” as an immediate answer

When new things come our way, that need us to step out of our comfort zone, it is really easy to say no immediately. This is a sign of us letting our negativity make decisions for us. Just because we always try to see the worst in every decision, something that needs us to step out of our comfort zone immediately raises our alarms. This acts as a mental roadblock for us.

Even if we later realize that the decision might have done wonders for us if said yes, and even if we have enough time to change our decisions, we don’t. We start trying to justify the no we said in the first place. If you are unsure about something or something scares you, refrain from giving an immediate answer. Take your time. Detaching yourself from the pressure of making an immediate decision will help you look at it more objectively.

Start the day right

Starting the day right sets the tone for the day ahead. If you start the day complaining, there are chances that you will carry that attitude throughout the day. This might make you react to something in a negative manner that you might not have reacted to otherwise.

Being in a foul mood can also affect your decision-making skills. Being clear-headed is really important to make decisions that are beneficial in the long run. This is why gratitude journals or journaling have been gaining popularity. It helps you take a few moments out of the day just to express your gratitude and be thankful for what you have.

Starting your day with positive affirmations is also a great way to start the day right and also boost confidence in yourself. It lets you know that you have your back no matter what, that you trust yourself, and also that you believe in yourself. This allows you to work with a certainty that only comes from believing in yourself.


Getting rid of negativity is like anything else; you have to consciously make an effort to get rid of it. Unless you acknowledge its existence and try to fight it with awareness, it is going to consume you. The decisions you make – the risks you take – will stem from the negativity rather than a growth mindset.


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