
Worst Oral Health Habits for Your Implants



Implants are preferred by most dentists and patients when it comes to teeth replacement. They don’t compromise the jaw’s integrity, and they look and feel natural. You can rebuild your bright smile permanently from the roots up. However, people pick up bad habits that can make the implants fail. These are things you should stay away from once you get your implants.


Smoking leaves your mouth vulnerable to infections and may cause implant failure. Blood circulation in your mouth will reduce, slowing the healing process. It also causes dry mouth and creates a perfect environment for harmful bacteria to thrive. If you have decided to go for the implants, start making steps towards quitting smoking. Even stopping temporarily during the healing process reduces the chances of implant failure. 

Most dentists feel like chronic smokers are not eligible for implants because the chances of successful treatment are very slim. So, if you are a smoker, take it one step at a time and see if you can drop the habit while you heal from implant surgery. You must pay more attention to implant maintenance and oral health if you smoke. Smoking discolors your teeth; you will also be forced to use toothpaste with excessively abrasive ingredients.

Nail Biting

When some people get nervous, they bite their fingernails, and it’s a very difficult habit to break. The bad news is nail-biting can be detrimental to your dental restoration. You could accidentally chip your tooth, and the bacteria under your fingernails will get into the body. Nails are thin, so they force your teeth to bite down on one another at very abnormal angles. It looks like a harmless habit, but when you have implants, it’s bad. Try substituting it with a healthier habit like squeezing a stress ball when anxious. You don’t want something like nail-biting to cause your implants to fail. 

Some people say bitter nail polish helps break the habit. Dental implants are worthy investments; you must do all you can to protect them. Also, avoid using your teeth as tools for opening bottles or holding items. You should never chew on ice because it’s crystal. When ice and your teeth or implants are pushed against each other, one will break. If you are lucky, it will be the ice.

Neglecting Your Cleaning Routine

Skipping your brushing and flossing routine is a big no whether you have implants or not. Continue brushing your teeth twice and flossing once a day. Implants may be artificial, but they still need enough care because they are part of your mouth. Cleaning your mouth keeps the connective tissues and gums that hold your implants strong and healthy. Oral hygiene is crucial for your dental restoration. Brushing too hard will cause gum recession or irritation. Implants rely a lot on the gum tissues. 

Use appropriate pressure when brushing and buy a soft bristle brush. Your brushing technique is what matters, you might be using too much force, but the teeth are not getting cleaned properly. Talk to your dentist about the correct ways of brushing your teeth; you might even get a recommendation on which toothbrush to buy.

Skipping Dental Appointments

Even if you replace your whole mouth with implants, you still need routine check-ups from your doctor. Your dentist will spot any dental issues early and find ways to fix them. The first few weeks after the implant surgery, you will regularly go back to the doctor’s office. After you heal, you can schedule at least two visits every year for a proper check-up and cleaning. Implants are a permanent solution, but only if you take good care of them. 

Dentist visits are also a great way to learn if any of your habits affect the implants. Eating too much sugar can increase the risk of cavities for teeth around the implants. You won’t know such things unless an expert pinpoints them for you. The dentist appointments won’t take much of your time; there is no excuse for skipping them.


Implants are made with high-quality material for maximum durability. But that doesn’t mean they can get damaged. Habits like clenching and teeth grinding can affect the implants. If you can change or drop these worst habits, do it as soon as you start your dental treatment. Implants have plenty of long-term benefits. Make a few adjustments to ensure they are clean, healthy, and functioning properly.


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