
Why You Should Always Take Cold Showers



Cold water can awaken your spirit and let you tap into your inner strength. If you have been unaware of the benefits of cold showers, this post will help you add one more great habit to your morning routine.

You might be harming yourself by showering with hot water. Hot water does more harm than good. But due to unawareness, a lot of people still shower with hot water and continue to become lazy, feeble, and miserable.

The Iceman” Wim Hof made cold showers popular. He has several Guinness world records for swimming under ice and performing similar daring feats. Researchers have performed numerous tests on the Wim Hof Method (a technique that he came up with involving cold exposure, breathing, and meditation) and found that it suppresses the innate immune response. Wim Hof is the biggest advocate of cold showers.

Here are 5 amazing benefits of cold showers.  

1. You become more disciplined

“The temptation to take the easy road is always there. It is as easy as staying in bed in the morning and sleeping in. But discipline is paramount to ultimate success and victory for any leader and any team.

-Jocko Willink

Whether you are aiming to scale your business, trying to get physically fit, or striving for better relationships, discipline is an essential factor for success in every area of life. Without a well-structured life, you will struggle to stick to your daily tasks and fail to achieve your long-term goals.

People have gained tremendous benefits by incorporating cold showers into their morning routines. The sudden uncomfortable feeling that you get from a cold shower breaks the incessant stream of thoughts that you might be carrying from the previous day. It’s so much better to have a clear mind and start your day afresh.

So, begin your day by taking a cold shower and be more organized throughout the day. Most successful people plan their day in the morning. But it can be difficult to sit down and fill up the daily task sheet in the morning. Especially when you stayed up late the night before. A cold shower eliminates that tired feeling and puts you in the right mindset to think and plan your life in a rational way.

2. You get endless willpower

Willpower is your ability to do what you want despite the obstacles you might face. A person with weak willpower is spineless and gives up too easily. How often do we see people joining a gym or starting a fitness program and giving up– on their dream of becoming physically fit– in just a few days?

Taking a cold shower on a chilly winter morning is not easy. It demands you to be resilient and strong-minded. By repeatedly going through these cycles of icy cold showers– each day in the morning– you can train your mind to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. This will improve your willpower and the ability to stick to a task until its completion.

So, start reaping the benefits of cold showers today. You can evaluate how this new revolutionary habit will have affected your life after a week. Notice the difference in your energy levels. I am sure you will be able to show more persistence in the midst of difficulties.

3. You fight stress better

Cold showers have some great psychological benefits. Most people experience a sense of calmness after getting out of a cold shower. This feeling stays throughout the day. It can be great for people who work in a competitive environment. There is a reason why athletes take ice baths just after the competition. It relaxes their body and mind. Also, it helps them mentally recover from the fatigue that a high-level competition can cause.

Cold water has the same effect on your brain as that of anti-depressants. Obviously, it does not have the same side effects or withdrawal symptoms as those of the anti-depressants. In fact, cold showers are the most natural way to relax and rejuvenate. Our ancestors have been doing it for ages. The only difference is, they had no fancy bathroom accessories.

For a modern twist on the benefits of cold therapy, explore insights on what is a cold therapy machine can do for you and your body.

4. You perform outside your comfort zone

Cold showers have the ability to get you outside of your comfort zone. If you find yourself oversleeping or laying in bed for a long time–after the alarm goes off in the morning– you should definitely think about getting cold showers. A cold shower will shock your system and wake you up fully.

Moreover, you will be able to do things that are currently outside of your comfort zone. If you think running a 10k marathon is impossible or approaching a beautiful girl in a bar is beyond your imagination, try cold showers for a month straight and notice for yourself how it changes you as a person. Simply stated, it will make you more bold and confident as a person.

5. Your skin and hair become healthy

Taking cold showers each morning is the most natural way to take care of skin and hair. You don’t have to waste your money on expensive chemical based products or undergo cosmetic surgeries to look good. Cold showers cost no money and have zero side effects.

The initial shock that you get from the coldness of water activates your circulatory systems and supplies more blood to your skin and scalp. This improves blood flow in your body and thus begins the process of cleansing. Ailments like acne and redness of skin begin to slowly disappear as your skin gets more nourishment from your body.

Most people are used to taking hot showers as it makes them feel warm and cozy. But it has no long term benefits as a cold shower has. Hot shower leaves your skin dry and loose. Hence, it invites invaders like bacteria and fungus.

So many people have changed their life by adding this one new habit to their routine. I hope you benefit from cold showers as well. In my opinion, getting out of your comfort zone is the biggest benefit of cold showers. Plus, there are plenty of studies done on it. So, you don’t need to worry about its efficacy.   


  1. “What is the Wim Hof Method? | Practice The Method.” Accessed May 5, 2019.
  2. “Jocko Willink – The temptation to take the easy road is… – Brainy Quote.” Accessed May 5, 2019.


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