
How to Protect Your Mental Health During Covid-19?



Feelings of anxiety, depression, fear, and concern that many people may have when it comes to coronavirus (COVID-19) are quite restraining. This virus carries with it the possibility of death and that is exactly one of the reasons for our fear. That is why we offer you the following tips to help you deal with it.

Try to Keep Perspective

While it is reasonable for people to be concerned about a pandemic outbreak, try to remember that public health professionals around the world are working hard to fight the virus, treat the infected, and develop a vaccine as quickly as possible.

Find a Healthy Balance in Following Media

Exposure to large amounts of negative information can increase feelings of anxiety. While it is important to be informed, it may be helpful to limit their input if it upsets you or your family and you have trouble calming down and resuming regular activities after watching and hearing such news.

Find Quality Information

Get information from reliable sources but be moderate in that as well. It is recommended to reduce the search for new information to a minimum, so instead of checking and looking for new information often during the day, do it in the morning and, less often, in the evening. In the second case, you may have trouble falling asleep because your brain will be processing what you read instead of ‘letting’ you fall asleep. 

In general, this item, which is related to finding quality information, will essentially help you keep your perspective and be more controlled.

Try to Keep a Calm Approach to Everything

Widespread panic can complicate efforts to effectively manage the pandemic on a personal level. Do your best to stay calm and follow only official advice, especially regarding respecting proper hygiene habits and keeping your distance.

Maintaining Mental Health During Self-Isolation or Quarantine

There are several ways to maintain your mental health during periods of self-isolation or quarantine:

  • Remember that this is a temporary period of isolation to slow down the spread of the virus.
  • Remember that your efforts help others in the community to avoid the coronavirus.
  • Stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues via email, social media, messaging or calling.
  • Engage in healthy activities that you enjoy and relax. Moderate betting at bookmakers with the best deposit bonuses gathered on is one of the options.
  • Stick to a regular sleep routine and eat healthy foods.
  • Seek help in teas and tinctures.
  • Try to maintain physical activity.
  • Establish routines as best you can and try to look upon that period as a new experience that can benefit your health.
  • For those who work from home, try to maintain a healthy balance by setting certain working hours, regular breaks and, if possible, establishing a dedicated workspace.
  • Avoid news and social networks if that bothers you.

Children and Younger People

Families and caregivers of children and young people should talk openly with them about the coronavirus and the pandemic. Try to connect the facts without causing panic in a way that is appropriate for their age and temper. It is important to listen to any questions they have that will let them know that they are safe and that it is normal for them to feel anxious.

If the media or news is too much for them, encourage children to limit their exposure to them.

Health Workers

Healthcare workers may feel additional stress during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a normal reaction of the body in these unseen circumstances. Coronavirus arouses such feelings. They are not a sign of weakness and it is important to acknowledge that. 

There are practical ways to manage mental health during this time, including:

  • Enough rest during working hours and between shifts.
  • Eating healthy food and engaging in physical activity.
  • Keeping in touch with colleagues, family, and friends by phone or apps.
  • Being aware that you can access mental health support at work. If you are a manager, try to create mentally healthy work habits.

It is important that the public recognizes the pressure that health workers are under and takes steps to support them wherever possible. Following government advice in their countries on ways individuals can help slow the spread of the virus will support health workers who save lives and keep people safe.

Seek Support

It is normal to feel scared or stressed while listening about the Covid-19 pandemic. We encourage people who have had mental health problems in the past to:

  • Activate the support network.
  • Acknowledge the feeling of anxiety immediately.
  • Seek professional support if they have difficulty.

Instead of conclusion… Guys, like every pandemic throughout history, this one will pass, too. Stay strong!


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