
9 Health Benefits of Having Breakfast and Quick Breakfast Options



When running late, we always tend to skip breakfast. Breakfast is treated like the most obvious thing to skip when it should be the last thing you skip. When you skip breakfast, you are letting your body know that it will not get fuel to burn for a while, so it has to conserve energy from the last meal it had. This causes your body to start storing fats because your metabolism slows down.

When you choose what you eat for breakfast, always focus on getting a balanced diet. Include whole foods that are filled with minerals, proteins, dietary fiber, fatty acids, and vitamins, meaning nutrient rich. Include eggs, yogurt, milk, fruits, oatmeal, whole wheat toast, wheat pasta, mixed nuts, etc.

Calorie-filled sugary food, sugary cereals, white bread, processed food, etc. can cause more damage than you can imagine. Yes, they are quick bites, but they can be harmful to your body in the long run. After I talk about the health benefits that you reap from having breakfast, I will give you some quick breakfast options for when you are running late.

1. It gives your body strength and energy

Eating a healthy breakfast gives you the energy to go about your day. You need to be fully charged to tackle all the things you need to throughout the day. This isn’t possible if you haven’t had anything in the morning. Your body will be running on the leftover energy from the last night’s meal, most of which has already been consumed by your body.

2. It helps lessen frequent food cravings

When you eat a full breakfast, you have a lot to work on till you reach lunch. When you skip breakfast is when you opt for fast unhealthy food. Something to munch on so that you can sustain yourself till lunch. If you see yourself reaching for fast food quite often before lunch, you should start including more nutrients in your breakfast and start eating breakfast if you don’t already.

3. It helps consume less sugar

When your body has received the required energy in the form of breakfast, you will stop craving something to put in your body. Mostly we lean towards things that are heavy in sugar content. Energy drinks and caffeine aren’t exactly your friends. Yes, they give you instant help but are very detrimental to your health in the long run.

4. It helps you control your appetite

This one ties in with two of the things we talked about. When your stomach is empty, and you are waiting for the lunch hour to strike, that is when you binge-eat junk food. The stress of having to wait for lunch, combined with the other stresses of your life makes you eat more sugary food. If you already have something healthy and filling in your body, it becomes easy to not eat junk food.

5. It helps you lose weight

Many dieticians will tell you how vital breakfasts are to losing weight. Losing weight doesn’t mean starving yourself. It means you need to eat food that is nutrient rich and has fewer calories. This helps you lose weight. Include vitamins and proteins in your breakfast. Proteins are the base of a lot of breakfast options anyway. Try including omega-3 fatty acids as well.

6. It boosts your immunity system

One of the reasons to incorporate fruits in your breakfast is to boost your immune system. Citrusy fruits are said to be best for it. The antioxidants you receive from the fruits help strengthen your immune system and your body.

7. It increases your bone strength

A lot of breakfast options include dairy products. We all know that calcium is the main component needed for our bone strength. Breakfast options that include milk, cheese, yogurt (pretty much anything that is made of milk), egg whites, etc. help you strengthen your bones.

8. It helps increase memory

Carbohydrates are also one of the essential nutrients for your brain. Incorporating them in your breakfast helps your memory and concentration levels. Having mineral rich breakfast is also related to better cognitive skills.

9. It helps maintain psychological health

Focusing on your psychological health is as important as your physical health. Your sustenance depends on both. Food items benefit your brain, depending on what you eat. Food enriched with potassium and magnesium is great for your brain. Consuming a well-balanced breakfast can help you maintain your psychological health because you are starting your day with caring for it.

Quick and healthy breakfast alternatives when you are running really late-

1. Fruits – Most fruits don’t need you to prep them. Grab an apple or a banana while you bolt out the door to catch your uber. You can also have fruits like watermelon, muskmelon, papaya precut in your refrigerator to grab for busy mornings. This can also be turned into a fruit salad container to take along.

2. A glass of milk – It doesn’t take much time to pour a glass of milk and drink it, neither does it need a lot of effort from your side.

3. A glass of juice – If you have no time to make fresh juice, try making it the night before. It doesn’t take long to make juice either. You just have to blend it in the blender, and you are good to go. Don’t go for packaged juice, most of them have high sugar content.

4. Smoothie – If you have a little bit of time, then add more to your blending jar full of fruit that you were going to turn into juice and turn it into a healthy and filling smoothie.

5. Yogurt smoothies – Talking about smoothies, how can I not talk about one of the most popular and my favorite option – yogurt smoothie. Yogurt smoothies are an excellent quick breakfast option to have or leave your house with. Along with some low-fat yogurt pop in some fruits like mangoes or bananas or some berries and you have yourself a quick healthy drink.

6. Eggs – Eggs, in any form, are quick and healthy to make. You can have boiled eggs if you plan. You can boil the eggs the night before or put the eggs to boil while you are doing your morning chores, and by the time you are done, you will have boiled eggs. You can also quickly scramble the eggs or make an omelet. The possibilities of a healthy breakfast with eggs are endless here.

7. Oats – Oats are the epitome of healthy breakfast when it comes to representation. Grab some quick-cooking ones, and you are good to go.

With planning, you will be able to have proper healthy breakfast every day, but on days you really can’t afford to spare some time, use these breakfast options to still keep yourself nutritiously fueled.


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