
8 Pre-Workout Tips That Can Help You Achieve Better Results



A workout session cannot be deemed successful based solely on what you do during exercise. The actions you take before your session also have an impact on your routine. The following tips will help you create a pre-workout strategy that will both accelerate your fitness progress and ensure your safety during exercise: 

Use supplements

The fitness market is awash with supplements for muscle-builders and fitness buffs. While variety is a good thing, the wide range of products on the market can breed confusion and potentially affect your progress if you end up choosing the wrong supplement.

Whether its a pre or post workout supplement make sure that you know the proper ingredients used in making them like gorilla mode ingredients to be more safe and stronger.

You need to ensure you are well informed about a product before buying it or purchasing your products from experts such as

Eat light

Nutrition is just as important as exercise in fitness. While you don’t want to work out on an empty stomach, you also don’t want to overeat before an intense exercise session. Eating too soon or too much right before working out can result in acid reflux, cramps, nausea, and reduced performance.

Instead, consider eating a snack or a light meal roughly an hour before hitting the gym. If possible, your meal should be a combination of fats, protein, and carbs.

Don’t take medication

Over-the-counter and anti-inflammatory medication should be off-limits before a workout. If you plan to take ibuprofen to curb post-workout inflammation, pain, or soreness, you plan to do a potentially detrimental thing.

According to experts, taking anti-inflammatory drugs before a workout can result in injury, as your brain won’t receive pain signals or tell when you are pushing beyond your threshold.

Evaluation your itinerary

Whether you use an app on your phone or a paper and a pen to plan your workout, knowing your sets, reps, weights, and rest periods beforehand can increase efficiency during the session. It also enhances honesty and sets a place to start for subsequent sessions.

Perform aerobics

A well-executed warm-up raises your blood flow and increases your core temperature. This ensures your muscles work at the desired power and strength.

It’s important to remember that a warm-up isn’t supposed to tire you out; just a few minutes of low-to-moderate-level work on a stationary bike, rowing machine, or treadmill for some perspiration, and you’re good to go.


Hydration requirements vary from person to person depending on weight, age, height, gender, and workout intensity. As a general guideline, active people should drink at least 20 ounces of water before each session. Don’t drink water immediately before training to avoid unnecessary bathroom breaks.

If you are thirsty before exercise, drink just a little water, then drink more during your break or at the end of your session.

Eliminate distractions

Distractions such as phone notifications, a pet, or a friend can be limiting and should be avoided when working out. If you have to listen to music, set a playlist that will see you through the session. Put your phone in Silent mode and only reply to messages and calls at the end of the session.

The room you work out in should also be closed if you have pets or kids that might disrupt you.

Foam roll

Apart from being used to therapeutically relieve stress, a foam roller also enhances blood circulation, stimulates the lymphatic system that helps to get rid of toxins, and enables the muscles to contract more efficiently when working out. 


Incorporating these tips in your pre-workout strategy will help prepare you physically and mentally for the intensity of exercise. Make sure to repeat the routine every time you work out for the best results.


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