
Creative Business Ideas To Try In 2023



Starting a small business is an exciting prospect for many entrepreneurs. The right idea and dedication can be a great way to make a living and build wealth.

All sorts of business ideas could be profitable, including everything from personal services to investment opportunities in real estate and precious metals. They are a great starting point for those looking to start their own business.

Personal services could range from tax preparation to dog sitting, while others may want to get into e-commerce or find investment opportunities that don’t require a ton of money upfront.

You won’t know everything when you start a business, so don’t worry about everything that you don’t.

Get started and learn as you go, but be smart about it.

For example, being able to ask for help and not being afraid to fail are defining characteristics of the business, and if you’re looking to start a new business, you need to understand these truths.

There is so much opportunity to start your own business that with the right amount of effort and dedication, you’ll have the potential to be successful.

Dog Training

There is an opportunity worth considering in the dog training industry: an affordable dog training franchise. This franchise option allows aspiring entrepreneurs to enter the market without significant upfront costs, making it accessible for individuals passionate about working with animals and aspiring to build successful businesses. By joining a reputable and established franchise, individuals can benefit from comprehensive training programs, ongoing assistance, and the support of a recognized brand, which provides a solid foundation for entrepreneurial success. This affordable franchise opportunity opens doors to a rewarding market driven by the increasing importance of well-behaved dogs and the rising interest in pet ownership.

Personal Services

Personal services businesses are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to make money from home. These businesses can range from pet sitting and house cleaning to virtual assistant services and online tutoring.

The key is to find a niche that you may already have experience with and can specialize in and offer a unique service that will appeal to customers.

Once you have identified your niche, create a website or social media page to promote your business and start networking with potential customers.

Some ideas for personal services that you could consider include the following;

  • Personal assistant
  • Housekeeper
  • Tutor – in-person or remote
  • Pet groomer and walker
  • Childcare
  • Life coach
  • Virtual Assistant
  • Food (and other items) delivery
  • Handyman
  • Food truck owner

Online Businesses

Online businesses are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to make money from home. Online businesses are easy to start and don’t require much overhead to operate, but the downside is that it can take a while to build up enough traffic or conversions.

These businesses can range from e-commerce stores and online tutoring services to virtual assistant businesses and web design services. A small business WMS implementation takes a lot of planning and careful thought. Not only do employees need to learn how to use the software to do their job, but you may also have to set-up new processes in your warehouse (especially if you don’t currently have WMS software in place). This includes proper set-up of receiving, put-away, picking, packing and shipping and how you currently manage and store inventory.

Other ideas include;

  • Selling e-books
  • Blogging
  • Social media manager
  • Digital products and courses
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Creating online retail stores
  • Software as a service (SaaS)

Creative Investing Opportunities

Creative investing ideas are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to make money from home. These businesses range from cryptocurrency trading and peer-to-peer lending to real estate, venture capital, and angel investing.

There are a few investment opportunities to consider that are outside the mainstream. Those include cryptocurrency, real estate, and precious metals.

Cryptocurrency investing: cryptocurrency investing is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to make money from home.

These businesses can range from trading cryptocurrencies and mining digital coins to providing cryptocurrency consulting services and developing blockchain-based applications.

Crypto provides a higher rate of return than most traditional investments like stocks, but they also have a higher risk associated with them.

Real estate investing: Real estate investing is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to make money from home.

These businesses range from flipping houses and buying rental properties to developing real estate portfolios and investing in REITs. You could invest or work in real estate creatively like a TC (transaction coordinator or photographer).

  • REITs (or Real Estate Investment Trusts)
  • Wholesaling houses
  • Fix and Flip
  • Rentals
  • Property Management
  • Transaction Coordinators to real estate agents
  • Real estate appraiser
  • Real estate photographer

Most of these types of investments require that you have a license or work with a licensed real estate agent,

As a wholesaler, you act as a broker between a motivated seller and a secondary buyer.

To complete the transaction, you’d use a wholesale real estate contract that stipulates that you will provide the seller a buyer without you taking any physical possession of the property.

You would receive a small profit without significant financial risk for putting that deal together.

Precious Metals

Precious metal investing is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to make money, especially during rising inflation.

Precious metals are a safe investment as these are metals like gold and silver that retain their value and appreciate year-over-year. These opportunities can range from buying and selling gold and silver coins to investing in rare coins and bullion.


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