
7 Unstoppable Entrepreneurs Share Their Advice For Success



The meaning of success is different for different people. You are one of those few lucky people if you already have found your life purpose. Not every young person knows what they want from life and they look for answers elsewhere. In this post, I have shared life perspectives of some of the leading entrepreneurs in the world.

Reading books and listening to podcasts of these successful people gives me a lot of inspiration and courage to achieve my own goals. It also educates me on the various aspects of running a business that most people are unaware of.

Some people are attracted to the entrepreneurship lifestyle for the wrong reasons. If you are wondering what the right reason should be, then Sorry to disappoint you, there is no one answer to this question. In my opinion, the right reason to become an entrepreneur should be a personal one.

Here are the 7 unstoppable entrepreneurs who have shared their advice for success.

1. Elon Musk – Take risks while you are still young

Elon Musk is an entrepreneur, investor, and engineer. Originally from South Africa, he went to college at the Wharton School of Business. On his commencement speech at the University of Southern California, he gave the students some advice for success. Elon Musk believes in taking risks.

It’s very important to take risks while you are still young. Once you grow old, you will have much more obligations and things that will stop you from making bold decisions. As a young person who just graduated from University, you can afford to fail. So, don’t be afraid to try new things and learn something new each time you fail.

2. Tim Ferriss – Initially prioritize learning over money

(CC) Randy Stewart, blog.stewtopia.com. Feel free to use this picture. Please credit as shown. If you are a person that I have taken a photo of, it’s yours (but I’d still be curious as to where it is).

Tim Ferriss is the author of the bestselling productivity and time-management book The 4-Hour Workweek. In an interview with Business Insider, Tim shared a few stories and thoughts on how a 20-year-old person can get the best out if his time. Tim’s advice for success for a young person is to not to go for shallow jobs. He believes in prioritizing learning over money. It’s better to join a startup with a 10 member team than working for a corporate company with thousands of people working in it.  

3. Mark Cuban-Commit random acts of kindness

Mark Cuban is the owner of the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) Dallas Mavericks. In his book Top 15 Secrets To Success In Life & Business, he shared his life story of how he became successful and what made him take the entrepreneurship route. Mark believes in giving as much value as possible. Generosity is one of his biggest values that he lives by. If you help others who are in need, your good deeds won’t go unnoticed and you will be rewarded two-fold. This is Mark’s advice for success to budding entrepreneurs and businessmen.

4. Arianna Huffington – Thrive for a well-rounded life

Arianna Huffington is the founder of the popular online news magazine The Huffington Post. In 2014, she published a book Thrive she redefined what success means in today’s world. We often follow others and fail to pay attention to what we find valuable. So many people live their lives in constant stress and worry. They don’t let their guard down fearing someone else will overthrow them from their position. But this is not healthy for you. Her advice for success is to thrive for a well-rounded and balanced life.

5. Jeff Bezos – Live a frugal life

Jeff Bezos is an American entrepreneur. He is the founder, chairman, CEO, and president of the world’s leading eCommerce company Amazon. In his early days at Amazon, Jeff practiced frugality not only in business but also in his personal life. He believes in getting more work done with the least resources. His advice for success is to always find clever ways to save money and invest it in things like the stock market and real estate.

6. Richard Branson – Learn to delegate tasks

The founder of Virgin Group, Richard Branson has some interesting advice for success. Richard says you should learn to delegate tasks that you are not good at. As an entrepreneur, your time is the most valuable asset you have. So, spend some time finding the right people who can do the work for you. According to Richard, most entrepreneurs prefer to do everything by themselves because they haven’t yet experienced the benefits of delegation.

7. Steve Jobs – Don’t sell crap

Steve Jobs was an American entrepreneur. He was the chairman, CEO,  and co-founder of Apple. Steve has shared many stories about his adventurous life as the founder of Apple and Pixar. Everyone knows that he believed in quality. His Apple products were thoroughly researched and had no competitor at the time of their launch. His advice for success is to create products that will provide more value than the customer expects.

If this advice for success might seem very generic and vague to you, you can take the next step and gain in-depth knowledge by reading some of the best books on business and entrepreneurship.


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