
7 Tips For Entrepreneurs From Tai Lopez That Are Actually Useful



Tai Lopez came into limelight with his TEDx talk (Why I read a book a day). In his speech,  he explained how one book has the power to change your entire life. Earlier, he was only known in small entrepreneurship circles in Los Angeles. But with his speech on TEDx, he was able to broadcast his ideas to the mainstream audience.

As of 2019, Tai Lopez’s net worth is $60 million. Some of you might recognize him from a video that he made called “Here in my garage”. He compared his Lamborghini with the 2000 new books he had bought at that time; which he kept in his garage. The same video also went viral on youtube. Internet trolls saw an opportunity to make fun of Tai as he valued books more than his fancy sports car.

Moreover, Tai Lopez is also an advisor and partner to more than 20 multi-million dollar companies. His advice has been creating a massive impact in lives of new entrepreneurs and investors. Some of his ideas are seen as rebellious by some people. For instance, once he said, “Ignore more people and you’ll be a lot happier…”. This might sound antisocial or narcissistic to some people.   

In this post, I have compiled a list of 7 tips I picked up from watching Tai Lopez’s videos and reading his recommended books.

1. Work smarter, not harder

Most of us are taught to work hard and hustle to succeed in life. There are a ton of posts on social media to testify this theory. Open any entrepreneurship account on Instagram and you will find plenty of images with quotes describing how hard-work and grinding is the pathway to success. According to Tai, these quotes project a false reality on people who are new to the entrepreneurship and business world.   

In his video on YouTube, Tai Lopez constantly talks about how people like Warren Buffett spend hours just observing and thinking about their next investment or the next deal they are about to go through. Does this seem like hard work and hustle to you?

Moreover, Tai Lopez also agrees that there is a time when work can suck the soul out of you. All rich people had to work hard in the initial phases of their entrepreneurial journey. But even for a newbie, it doesn’t hurt to find new and better ways to do their work. Smart work always wins over hard work.

2. Depression can be good for you

Depression is very common among people who are independent and risk-taking. But, sometimes it can take over your life and affect you in negative ways. To protect yourself from these negative effects of depression, you can definitely take some practical steps like physical therapy, engage in social activities and perform meditation.

However, Tai Lopez has a different take on depression. He says feelings of sadness and depression can help a person get out of useless repetitive patterns and help them think in a more rational manner. Moreover, humans are meant to feel all kinds of emotions. Be it sadness or happiness, all emotions play a vital role in keeping your brain healthy.   

In his early days, Tai himself had to go through a tough period. Being raised by a single mom, he had no special privileges like most of us do. In fact, adversity is what motivated him to reach where he is today. So, don’t panic if you feel sad once in a while. Every entrepreneur feels that way.

3. Keep your mind sharp

It’s very common for people to get themselves fully engaged in their work life. Likewise, some people also become workaholics and prioritize work over all other things in life. This a good short term strategy and has worked for many people. But is it beneficial in the long term?  

The answer is obviously no. Your mind only remains sharp when you experience new problems and situations. This makes you more creative as you are forced to rack your brains to find better solutions. Also, instead of following fixed rules you become innovative; as each problem is unique and what worked for someone else may not help you.

Tai Lopez, in his 67 Steps Program has discussed the concept of “Evolutionary Stable Strategies”. Understanding these strategies is one of the key steps in the program. Here, Tai talks about how every coin has two sides. He further elaborates how Hawks and Doves coexist together in nature even when one of them is a predator. The population of both these birds should remain equal. There will be a major imbalance if one of these birds outnumber the other.   

4. Invest your money wisely

Tai’s secret of becoming rich is to make money work for you. Even when you are asleep. He has gone great lengths to find and meet people who know how this works and who themselves have done it successfully.

Most people go to work to earn money. They trade their time and efforts in place of money. Not realizing that this itself is making them poorer, unhealthier and dumber. Tai’s advise to put some time aside and learn how to invest. Be it from books or a digital course, learning to invest can be the beginning of your journey to achieving financial freedom.

In addition, he also agrees that you are not going to hit big every time you invest. Sometimes you will even miss out on good opportunities. But a good investor never gives up and continues to his analysis without any regrets.

5. Set up your office

The environment you work in matters a lot when it comes to productivity. With the availability of basic amenities like an air conditioner, ergonomic chairs, etc along with positive people around you can increase your productivity by twofold. This is what works for most successful people. But, Tai takes a very different approach when it comes to setting up his office or workplace.

In his own office, he has a treadmill desk, some free weights, and a television. In a YouTube video, he showed how his office looks like and most people including were shocked. It didn’t look like the typical corporate office that most people are familiar with. But, one is for sure, it looked a fun place to work and hang out.

6. Read books and continually grow your knowledge.

Tai Lopez has thousands of books at his house; even his garage is filled with them. Being an avid reader, he has created many videos explaining how books helped him transition from poverty to becoming one of the most popular digital products creator and a successful investor.

He chooses what book to read based on how he is feeling at that time. If he is sad, he picks up a book that he knows will leave him feeling happy and content. Moreover, he calls the morning time the “soap of the brain”. Because that is the time when he clears his mind and prepares for the day ahead. Tai prefers to read a classic book in the morning.

Later on, post lunch, he reads the how-to book. As this is the time when he feels a bit slumberous from the food. And before going to bed, he browses through a biography. It’s not a surprise that reading is a big part of Tai’s life.

7. Always be physically fit

Long work hours and a poor diet can make it difficult to create time for exercise. Even you do create space in your tight schedule, you will be more likely tired to workout and then recover in time. Don’t worry. You are not alone. Most entrepreneurs and business owners do not work out regularly. In fact, they don’t care about their physical appearance that much.

But regular physical exercise can also benefit in ways other than just improving your aesthetics. This is something Tai Lopez takes very seriously. He believes if you don’t take care of your body than you will breakdown and give up at some point in your entrepreneurial journey.

Apart from weight lifting, Tai is also well versed with martial arts. He has a personal Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu trainer. Moreover, Tai prefers having a team of people who can help him stay fit. A team consists of nutritionist, physios, general physician and a dietician.

A lot of people doubt Tai Lopez and his legitimacy. But his growing popularity amongst successful people like All-Star Chris Paul from the Los Angeles Clippers and NFL superstar Odell Beckham Jr have left no doubts in my mind.

I hope these 7 tips will help you in your entrepreneurial career and make your road to success bump-free. Of course, there is a lot more to learn. I suggest you also check out his recommended books. I am sure you will find some books useful.  


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