
Is Scuba Diving an Expensive Hobby? Truth and Myths



Scuba diving seems to be very exciting, but there is a widespread opinion that this hobby is rather expensive and out of reach for many people. Meanwhile, it is now estimated that there are between 6 and 9 million active scuba divers around the world, and about 1 million people get their diving certification every year. Is scuba diving really reserved only for the well-heeled? Find the answer to this question in this article.

Scuba Diving Courses

Luxurious tourist destinations with rather expensive scuba diving courses have contributed to the misconception that this hobby is inaccessible to the majority of enthusiasts. In reality, such tourist facilities are just some of the places where you can learn to scuba dive.

Depending on the location, you can find affordable scuba diving courses organized by scuba diving shops that start even at $200. In most cases, this price already includes the training materials, rental equipment, and instructor fees. After completing the course and receiving your certification, you will no longer need the assistance of an instructor.

Note that in order to maintain your certification, you may need to go through refresher dives or courses. This point also scares many people and keeps them from trying scuba diving. However, diving is the reason why people get their certification, and these refresher dives should be viewed as an opportunity to enjoy the hobby.

In addition, some certification agencies offer the option to take refresher courses online, which may be more affordable.

Scuba Diving Equipment

Many people refrain from learning scuba diving as they believe the equipment is overpriced.

The truth is that high-end equipment can indeed be rather expensive, but this is true for any equipment people use. While there are many options for different budgets, the cheapest way to enjoy scuba diving without making an investment is to rent your gear at the beginning.

Prices for renting a complete set of equipment per one day start at $30 in many locations, which definitely will not break the bank.

When you are ready to invest in your own gear, you can gradually start with wetsuits, snorkels, fins, and masks and later move on to the pricier items like dive computers or regulators.

Scuba Diving Destinations

Your current location determines the cost of travel to a scuba diving destination. Scuba diving near the Great Barrier Reef or the Maldives is not necessarily expensive, but if you want to visit these destinations from another side of the globe, you will definitely face high travel costs.

Although these regions are known for particularly beautiful coral reefs, there are many other places in the world where you can enjoy exciting underwater experiences. The Mediterranean Sea, the Caribbean, and Mexico are just some of the alternatives. Besides, you can also start exploring the nearest coastal areas to minimize travel costs.

On top of that, do not forget that scuba diving is also possible in lakes, so you do not necessarily need access to the sea or ocean.

Additional Costs

Paying for boat charters and accommodation also seems quite expensive to many people; however, in most cases, you have the option to arrange your stay according to your preferences and financial capabilities.

You do not have to stay in luxurious hotels and take advantage of individual boat charters. If you travel in a group, you can significantly reduce the cost of transportation, while hostels and guesthouses will provide you with much cheaper accommodation.

Scuba Diving – More Affordable Than You Think

The myths surrounding scuba diving scare off many potential enthusiasts who often view the activity as a rather expensive hobby. In reality, all components of scuba diving, including courses, certification, travel, and equipment, are more affordable than you might think.

Whether you have already started your scuba diving adventure or not, remember that there is always a way to bring a piece of the underwater world to your home due to beautiful water tanks. The sponsor of the article is “Aquaforest – reef aquarium supplies.”

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