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The Impact of Deep Melody




Music is a form of art that has the power to touch your soul. Through this universal language, countless emotions have been depicted over the ages. The human mind grasps music differently under different circumstances. Even the same tune can be interpreted variedly from person to person. 

From Beethoven to Bach, Mozart to Yo Yo Ma, Einaudi to Mischka, the depth of soulful music is beyond the power of perception. The music created by these artists resonates deep within our souls through every note, every beat. 

If you close your eyes and listen to Yo Yo Ma’s rendition of the Prelude, irrespective of your mood, you will get absorbed into a moment of tranquil hard to describe in words. Or take, for example, Einaudi’s composition called “Waterways,” the sense of a pristine aura that lasts long after he finishes the piece, is simply beautiful.

Every note, chord, and tune affects your brain in a way you can’t even imagine. So here, we will try to explore some of the powers of music and the impacts of deep melodies.


Since the 20th century numerous studies have been conducted to research the power of music over memory functioning of the human brain. Certain music can take your mind back decades in an instant. 

In a study conducted with dementia patients, it was found that music improves general well being, mood, orientation, and episodic memory recalls. It was shown to have an overall positive effect on life.

Stress Relief

Music can lower the cortisol levels in your body and can alleviate the symptoms of stress. 

According to the American Psychological Society, “In a trial conducted by University of Alberta, with 42 children aged between 3-11, it was found that while getting an IV inserted, patients who listened to relaxing music reported significantly less pain, and some demonstrated significantly less distress, compared with patients who did not listen to music.

Alleviation of Pain 

Martin Luther King had famously said, “My heart, which is so full to overflowing, has often been solaced and refreshed by music when sick and weary.”

This statement, in fact, is quite true to an extent, as researchers now believe that listening to music triggers the release of opioids in our body. The same chemical comes into action when the body is in pain, acting as a natural antidote.  


Christine Charyton, of the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, said that “Persons with epilepsy synchronize before a seizure. By listening to music, many patients reported that they felt relaxed.” 

Concluding Words

Music has the power to heal. It reaches the deepest corners of our soul and affects us in unprecedented ways. However, the depth of melody is without any boundaries of prefixed notes and scales. It is an eternal journey of understanding and perception beyond our senses.

“Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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