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21 Quotes About Chasing Perfection And Striving For It



Welcome to the journey of chasing perfection! Perfection can mean many things for many different people, and striving to achieve it is a noble pursuit. Here, we’ve compiled 21 inspiring quotes from some of the world’s greatest thinkers — from entrepreneurs, to athletes, writers, and more — all on the theme of perfection and striving for it. Whether you’re trying to nail a presentation or just aiming for greatness in all that you do, these quotes will help you stay

“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Creating Inspired Items to Follow Perfection

Although perfection can sometimes feel like an unattainable goal, it’s important to strive for it anyway. Constant improvements in our lives and workspace should be something we strive for, without letting the pressure of perfection take away our joy of creating. You can continue to create inspired items that have substance and meaning, while also taking steps towards achieving excellence.

When chasing perfection, it can help to keep these quotes in mind in order to stay motivated and inspired:
– “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” – Vince Lombardi
– “The only way to get closer to perfect is by pushing further from your comfort zone.” – Anthony Robbins
– “Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
– “If you want something perfect, you must accept imperfection on your way there.” – Unknown
– “A man should never strive for total perfection because he would become totally unlovable.” – Graham Greene
– “Be patient with yourself. Perfection doesn’t come overnight.” – Unknown
– “Nothing is perfect, yet striving for perfection gives us the best chance of achieving greatness.” – Sean Covey
– “Chase the vision, not the money; the money will end up following you.” – Tony Hsieh
– “Fearlessness means breaking out of your comfort zone and forgetting about needing security or needing approval in order to do what’s right.” – Paulo Coelho

21 Quotes About Chasing Perfection and Striving for It

No one is impervious to life’s obstacles. We all experience setbacks, misfortunes, and path detours now and then. The key to overcoming our challenges lies in the power of motivation.

Staying focused and motivated often requires that we stay dedicated to reaching for perfection — honing our skills and abilities — until finally, we realize our goals.

Pursuing the perfect version of yourself is a journey without a destination — take each day as it comes and know that each effort is helping to bring about the best version of you!

Paulo Coelho said it best when he wrote: “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure”. So rather than being stymied by doubts and insecurity, chasing perfection can help us approach our highest aspirations by allowing us to get closer to them with each step we take.

These 21 quotes about chasing perfection can help inspire and motivate you in your own journey towards excellence!

Final Thoughts

No matter where you are in life, striving for perfection can lead to a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. While it may be impossible to reach absolute perfection, setting goals and taking consistent steps towards your vision can help move you one step closer.

We hope these 21 quotes about chasing perfection and striving for it have inspired you to move forward. Keep these words close to your heart and use them as motivation on days when you feel stuck or unmotivated. Pursuing the perfect version of yourself is a journey without a destination — take each day as it comes and know that each effort is helping to bring about the best version of you!

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