
How to Make Your Wife Love You Again



Marriage does not mean love in perpetuity, regardless of action or circumstance. Sometimes, it’s very direct why someone may have fallen out of love, or the love between two people may have diminished. Then sometimes, it’s just time. If a partnership lives long enough, love must eventually be worked at to keep it alive, And if your wife has actually stopped wearing her wedding ring, that’s a clear sign you need to act quickly.

Making your wife love you again is an exercise in finding what inspires you both, reconnecting on what’s brought you two together, and, most importantly, making each other happy.

1. Indulge In Honest, In-Depth Conversations

When the opportunity strikes, indulge your wife in deep, loving conversation. This may involve broaching some topics that may be unkind or apologizing for certain things that occurred in the past. It can also be sharing different worries or traumas and forming a bond over those.

Opening yourself up and being vulnerable, you may need to be the first of you two to do so. This helps to foster connection. It provides a base level of connection on which you can build more.

2. Make Your Wife Feel Important, Loved, and Cared For

It’s not enough to tell your wife how special she is. Show her. It can be small things, like helping prepare dinner, picking her up from somewhere so she doesn’t need to drive, or doing chores around the house so she doesn’t have to. In essence, show up for her.

Demonstrate to her that this is a partnership, that you care deeply, and that you love her. This further enhances the bond shared between two people. Find new ways that you know she will also appreciate the love, care, and attention.

3. Make Her Day Easier by Assisting Her with Her Daily Tasks

This partially goes into making your wife feel important but deserves its focus category. Making someone’s day easier is a sure way of getting their attention.

You don’t need to bend over backward for her but take the time to pick up some chores off her plate, do things she would normally do, or free up some time for her. Take over with the kids or pets and let her bathe, have some personal time, or engage in a hobby.

4. Take Her on a Date to Somewhere New And Show Her Love

Ask her to go on a date with you like you used to. Though you can reminisce by going somewhere you’ve already been, if she’s open to it, take her somewhere you haven’t been. Explore a new cuisine or restaurant she’s been itching to try.

Wine and dine her! Especially if she’s a homebody, at home taking care of the kids too often, and doesn’t have a chance to get dressed up very much, making a date night a regular habit can help fan the flames in a relationship.

5. Express Love to Her In Her Love Language

There are five love languages. They are words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. We all tend to show and receive love through one or more.

You may want to directly engage your wife on this topic and ask her about what she thinks her love language is. This will aid you in better directing how to express love to her. Doing so will make her feel wanted, appreciated, and attractive, and not doubt your feelings about her.

6. Support Her Ambitions and Desires

Throughout conversations and dates, ask her about her dreams, ambitions, and desires, sexual and non-sexual. Support her in what she wants for her life. Even if it pulls you a little out of your comfort zone in some way to understand her and help her be successful, it may be worth it.

If your wife sees you listening and willing to work alongside her to help her achieve her ultimate goals or best life, that’s the key to a lifelong healthy marriage and loving relationship.

7. Re-Engage Her Sexually With Love And Care

To make your wife love you again, don’t go after her with the same sex she’s received from you. Ask her about her fantasies. Experiment with her. Be open to chasing her desires with her. Consider using a sex toy in the bedroom with her. Talk with her about what sort of sex she wants to have and have a real frank discussion about it. Browse a sex toy store together.

In a loving marriage, for many people, passionate and fulfilling sex is a massive component of that, and you can’t assume you know what your wife wants. It requires talking with her. There might be something she’s always wanted to try but has been afraid to ask her, for example. Ask about it and get her perspective on what she might like to include in your bedroom activities.

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