Betterthiscosmos Posts by Betterthisworld

Archer’s Last Light | SAGITTARIUS



These betterthiscosmos posts by betterthisworld reveal Jupiter’s wisdom.

Noble Archer, as the Sun concludes its journey through your sign while Mercury stations retrograde, you enter a week of profound reflection and review. The cosmic patterns support reassessing recent expansions before your solar season ends. From the archer’s sunset, we enter patient Capricorn‘s winter promise.

Jupiter’s Review

Your ruling planet Jupiter forms significant aspects with retrograde Mercury, suggesting that plans for expansion need careful reconsideration. Pay particular attention to insights about personal goals around December 18th, when Mercury stations retrograde and old dreams may resurface.

Mercury’s Reversal

As Mercury begins its retrograde in Capricorn, your second house of resources and values comes under review. Financial matters and questions of self-worth need careful examination. This is an excellent time to reassess budgets and revisit abandoned income opportunities.

Solar Completion

The Sun’s final degrees in your sign form mystical aspects with Neptune, supporting a deep integration of lessons learned during your solar season. Your natural optimism helps you find meaning in apparent setbacks or delays.

Value Wisdom

Recent planetary activity in your resource sector continues to influence your approach to material matters. Use this time to review recent financial decisions and value alignments, particularly those made in the heat of enthusiasm.

Looking Forward

While Mercury’s retrograde might slow forward progress, this period offers valuable insights about your true worth and resources. Consider it a cosmic audit of your values.

Remember, wise Archer, that your greatest strength lies in your ability to perceive higher truth. This week invites you to review recent journeys while maintaining your characteristic optimism.

The betterthiscosmos update guides your arrows through sacred reflection.

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